Putrid Poems from Beyond the Pumpkin Patch
By R.R. Stark

Here's a hideous hodge-podge of poetic creepiness I hope will frighten the bejeebers out of you! If not, just guffaw manically while you read!

A Hideous Halloween!

         Ghastly grimaces galore
         Gruesome Gut-wrenching guffaws
         Grim and grisly gore-gluttoners!
         Cruel cacophonous cackles
         Calamitous cranium crunching
         Creepy chest cavity-crushing!
         Blood-boiling barbecues
         Brain-bashing bamboozlers
         Bombastic belly barfing!
         Titillating toe twisting
         Terrifying tarantula tormentors
         Intolerable intestine torching!
         And above all
         Heinous horrifying helldaciousness
         Haunting howling hysteria
         And harrowing Halloween hideousness!

* * *

Halloween Time

         Greasy grimy gopher guts
         Worse than smelly cigarette butts;
         Slimy grimy slippery worms
         And awful hideous germs;
         Rotten dried-up zombie brains
         And old skeleton men with clicking canes;
         Blood-sucking vampires with red-dripping fangs
         Goblins, ghosts and ghouls running in gangs;
         Bewarted green-faced witches
         And nervous corpses with twitches;
         Ragged stumbling mummies
         Who irreparably lost their mommies;
         Slashed, gashed, and trashed victims
         Inflicted with hideous symptoms;
         A squirmy rat with squealings
         Crunchy blood-fried batwings
         And glaring rubbery eyes in a hag's stew
         Top it off by throwing in an old shoe!
         Spell-casting wizards
         And lizards eating their gizzards;
         Skeletons, skulls, and bones
         Found in the locker of Davie Jones!
         Even scum like pirates and buccaneers
         Are required to offer their evil sneers;
         Cobwebs with spiders
         And other big toothed biters;
         Haunted houses and maniac mansions
         Creepy basements and dreaded dungeons
         Putrid pits and pendulums
         Always the prisoner's conundrum
         A tribute to Edgar Allan Poe
         Writer of many tales of terror, doncha know
         This is the way of Halloween
         There's no in between
         No gray areas here
         Only a grim and ghastly sneer
         This is the time of Halloween
         As you have clearly seen!

* * *

         I've seen wizards trapped in blizzards with their lizards eating gizzards
         And I've gawked at wicked witches with switches that gave you twitches
         And I've gandered at slashers and gashers and bashers and mashers.
         I've glared at dancing skeleton men with skeleton keys clanging around their boney necks
         And I've glowered at worm-infested, gauze-wrapped stumbling mumbling mummies
         And I've witnessed howling werewolves in need of extra-strength breath mints.
         I've gawped at stomping Frankenstein monsters with their shoelaces to lose and neck screws too tight
         And I've spied geeks, sneaks, and creeps herd into that killer Chiller Diller Thriller Theater
         And I've gaped in shock when crazy creatures, monstrous monsters, and demented demons came out!
         But these are nothing compared to me!
         Because I'm a bone-crunching, blood-gushing
         Eyeball-munching, brain-sucking
         Innards-devouring, spine-splitting, rib-tickling,
         Foot-fetishing, finger-licking, snot-sniveling,
         Hellraising, corpse-chomping zombie from hell!

* * *

A Night of Fright!

         This night is very scary
         This time is very hairy
         This place is very creepy
         There's no way you'd get sleepy
         It's full of heebie-jeebies and jeepers-creepers
         So I hope there's no high wall leapers
         'Tis an awful harrowing night
         It's a night so full of fright
         It's fraught with witches and warlock
         So you'd better keep your door locked
         And there are ghouls and ghosts and goblins
         All with sneers and snarls and grimaces and grins
         They're hooting and howling
         And giggling and yowling
         You'll notice their creepy scary faces
         Of anything nice there are no traces
         And yet most of them are very small
         Not a one is at all very tall
         And they come collecting candy, goodies, and treats
         With big bags aholding -- boy, they're little sneaks!
         Dancing and skipping along the streets, to and fro
         From door to door they come and go
         And when a door opens, they sing their age-old Halloween bleat:
         "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!"
         And the once-frightened house-dwellers are now relieved
         For these are but children, they now perceive
         And now we have seen
         That it's only Halloween!

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