Coming of Abaddon
Entry #0087: The
The next day, Sunday, Leo and I were down in the bunker
talking and drinking coffee and eating bear claw pastries in my station of
operations, when Jezz called. She told me she had a very strange dream last
night, one of her premonition dreams, she said. She told me that she saw Fanny's
Thrift Shop and that something creepy was going on in the basement below, that
several dark robed people were chanting something very ominous, but she couldn't
make out the words. But she did see a large pentagram painted in red on the
floor, and she knew it was fresh blood, from some sacrificed animal, a
jackrabbit she felt. That's all she could remember, but she knew this dream was
telling her something. I told her that we put off long enough checking the place
out some night, and I had a feeling we needed to do it very soon, to go down
there and see what we could find out, or look for signs of some ritual, like the
pentagram drawn on the floor. She heartily agreed, but didn't like the idea of
breaking into the building, which was technically illegal. I told her the police
in this town were slack, and they normally didn't stay out late at night. The
crime rate here was practically zero. So we decided to do it the next night,
that being Monday night. Then we hung up.
It was a couple hours past noon, so Leo and I decided to go
to the Kountry Kitchen for a late lunch.
The lunchtime session had dwindled, so it had slowed down now, only a few
people seated, so we decided to seat ourselves, but Leo had to duck into the
bathroom first. Minding my business, I went to take a seat in a particular
booth, and didn’t even see a guy sitting there, until I was right there at the
table. I said I was sorry, but he didn’t notice me or reply, so I moved to
another booth. He had no plate or food or drink. Just him at the booth, staring
into space. Odd. I sat in a nearby booth and looked at the menu, but when I
looked up at the other booth, the guy that had been sitting there was gone. I
wasn't even aware that he had gotten up and left; you think I would have
noticed. I shook my head and figure it was nothing.
When Leo finally came and sat down in the booth, I told him
about it. He said I was letting my imagination go wild. Perhaps he was right,
but I had a creepy feeling there was more to it than that. I had heard of cases
like this before, essentially just ghost sightings, or seeing somebody that's
not really there.
Reflecting on the incident, I felt nothing from the fellow,
I mean, like he wasn’t there, as if he was a nonperson, or a soulless person.
Really weird. Was it one of those echoes, psychic imprints? Not a real person at
all? Or some weird being without a soul, just a thought-form? Or was it an
apparition? I wasn’t sure.
Also, was I seeing this due to the opening rift? I have
read that when the veil between worlds is growing thin, we can see more clearly
beings on the Other Side, especially if you already have some kind of psychic
sight. Honestly, I didn’t know what to think.
Entry: #0088: The
Strange Disappearances
I didn't realize it, but Leo had grabbed a newspaper and
was reading it after we had made our order, both taking the fried chicken
Usually there was very little important news in the
Mulvern Daily Press, and Leo had been
reading issues every day now since his arrival here, but mostly the online
versions, unless on a given day we happened to be getting groceries or something
and he would grab a newspaper along the way.
Gripping the paper in both hands, Leo’s brows jutted up as
he said, "Finally, there's real news here for a change."
"Like what?"
"Well, a few days ago the paper reported that somebody
disappeared, a Clyde Fletcher.”
"He’s an old farmer, from the north part of the Valley."
"His wife had reported it, but now
she is missing. And now other people
across the Valley have disappeared too. Six people so far."
"Hmm. Something strange is definitely going on."
"Considering the population here isn't big enough, just a
few people are definitely noticeable."
"Yeah, I mean adding up all the weird circumstances that
have been happening lately, disappearances like this are not a coincidence."
"Admittedly so, so clearly we need to get to the bottom of
We ate our fried chicken specials in silence and drank our
coffee. Something strange was definitely going on in the high desert.
Entry #0089:
Garret Caught in the Act
As we got up to leave, I just happened to see Garret
sitting at a table with some twenty-something girl who looked frightened.
Fortunately his back was to me. His hands were slightly raised from the tabletop
and fingers oddly pointing toward her and his voice was low, soft, and monotone,
gauged to where others around could not hear him too clearly. It was a chant of
some sort. She was turning white and her eyes were very wide. He was casting
some kind spell on her! I knew this guy was up to no good, and now I caught him
in the act. I had to break the spell.
I walked up behind him, slapped him on the back, and said
loudly, "Garret! Good to see you, old buddy! You should’ve had the fried chicken
special! It was great! Well gotta go, see you later!"
The girl had gotten up and ran across the dining room and
out the front door, as I turned and slowly walked on, catching up to Leo who was
paying at the front counter. As we turned to leave out the door, I glanced back,
and saw Garret frowning darkly at me. I just chuckled, and left.
As we drove down
Mulvern Avenue in my Blazer, Leo asked me who that
was. I told him as much as I knew about this creepy person named Garret Simms,
the strange connection he had with Fanny's Thrift Shop, that he somehow knew her
personally, and that I believed she was a witch of some sort. Perhaps he was a
practitioner of black magic himself, considering he was trying something
insidious on this girl in a restaurant -- and in public! He probably figured no
one would notice -- except I did.
As if these two incidents were weird enough for one day, we
drove west down Mulvern Avenue, then I slammed on the brakes when I saw what
should be Fanny's place, but again the sign read Rook's Books!
I blurted "Damn! It's back! Do you see what I’m talking
about? You yourself know that's where Fanny's Thrift Shop is supposed to be."
"So? Just a new business took over the place."
"You haven’t been listening to me lately. It's been
changing back and forth between the two businesses. Same location, two different
establishments, yet taking turns."
"All we can do is check it out."
We parked in the small dirt parking lot, and we gingerly
stepped inside. Only one other time had I been within this strange
establishment, and I recognized the elderly man with the trimmed white beard
behind the counter, and this time I noticed a certificate on the wall (perhaps I
didn't notice it before) that read "Proprietor: Tobias Rook." I had a feeling
the man sitting behind the counter was him. So I figured he had lied to me the
first time I was here when he claimed he was a recent hire, and that he didn’t
know Fanny.
Leo and I looked around briefly, noticing the wall-to-wall
bookshelves filled with old and new books, hardbacks and paperbacks. Then I
thought about the book on Aleister Crowley that Garret claim he purchased at
Fanny's. So with that wild hair up my ass, I came up to the gentleman and asked,
"Sir, do you have any books on Aleister Crowley by any chance?"
The man, Tobias Rook I presumed, glared at me and snarled
with clenched teeth, "You don't belong here. I suggest you leave."
As I got ready to turn and leave, I saw something on the
shelf behind him that I hadn’t noticed last time, a framed photograph of this
man, Fanny, and a younger teenaged Garret.
Leo and I quickly left, hopped into the Blazer and took
off. That was truly weird!
As we drove up
Highland, heading back up the slope and toward the cabin,
we discussed both incidents briefly, Garrett’s psychic voodoo display and the
book shop that shouldn’t be there. Leo admitted there was definitely high
strangeness going on here, but he had no logical explanations. Especially
concerning the reality shift from Fanny's Thrift Shop to Rook’s Books.
Then I told him about the photograph I got a glimpse of. It
all made sense now. Garret was the son of Tobias and Fanny!
Entry #0090:
Telling Jezz the Latest Weird Events
I had an impulse to call Jezz on my cell phone, but I
decided to wait till we got back to the cabin. Driving on some of these badly
paved roads and the rocky dirt trails through the cabins up on the slope could
be treacherous, so I needed to grip the steering wheel with both hands.
So when we got back to the cabin, Leo proceeded to do his
humdrum work on his laptop in the living room, while I called Jezz, and the
first thing I told her was about the weird reality shift concerning Rook's Books
while Leo was there, and that the white-bearded man I saw there both times I
realized was the proprietor himself, Tobias Rook, and that he curtly told us to
leave. Then I told her about the photograph, the Garret was the son of Tobias
and Fanny. She said that made a lot of sense. I remarked that I had no idea that
Tobias and Fanny were a couple, or even knew each other -- considering they each
seemed to exist in two different parallel worlds.
Jezz acknowledged that something very strange was happening
here in the desert, and especially with this particular location housing two
separate businesses, but in two different planes of existence, and she
speculated that it might have something to do with the cause of the opening
rift, especially from what she gathered in her strange dream.
Then I told her about the strange encounter with Garret at
the Kountry Kitchen, so I described it, and she said she had a suspicion all
along as to what he was. So she spelled it out to me: he was a psychic vampire,
one who knew how to drain energy from people. That made perfect sense. She said
there were two kinds, those that were unconscious of their ability, mostly needy
individuals that glommed onto others, and those that consciously latched onto
others and drained them of their energy, or to be specific, their life-force.
That explained why I felt drained every time I met with him. She also said he
was most likely no novice in black magic, that he was probably more adept than
we had thought. So he was obviously more dangerous than we realized.
She said she was also worried about that cracked mirror and
the dark entity that had gotten out. I told her what Sheila told me, about the
chief demon known as Abaddon. This sounded familiar to Jezz, something she
probably read long ago, and that the whole thing gave her the creeps.
Considering the weird reality shift that took place once again between the two
businesses, I asked if she was ready for a little investigation down there, and
she said she definitely was. We agreed to meet at the Mulvern Market, Monday
night at Nine o'clock pm.
Entry #0091:
Scoping out the Thrift Shop
I parked in front of the Mulvern Market and waited for her.
It had just closed, and people were leaving. Jezz arrived shortly. I had asked
Leo if he wanted to come too. He declined, saying he had some client work to do
on his laptop. She and I stealthily walked over to Fanny’s little thrift store,
which was back to normal now, and no cars were in the small parking lot. We
circled around back, observing that the whole place was dark inside, not even
any lights from the narrow basement windows. The front and the back doors were
locked and there was no other way in. I suggested we break in, since I had a
lock pick with me. But Jezz said she was hoping there'd be some kind of activity
here. She sighed and looked up into the night sky, and I followed her gaze,
observing that the moon was almost full. Then she smiled.
She said, "In a few days there will be a full moon. It's
quite possible they might perform some kind of ritual then."
I looked up at the plump oval-shaped moon. "Hmm. Great
observation. But who exactly are ‘they’?"
"Good question."
"I was hoping to sneak down into the basement and see if
there's a blood-painted pentagram on the floor, like in your dream."
"There may or may not be. Some cult groups only mark their
special signs and symbols right before they begin their rituals, and then clean
them off afterwards. But perhaps if there is a long-standing spell they are
trying to generate, they may leave the pentagram down for several days."
"We should go down and find out."
"I think it's better that we wait for the night of the full
moon, see if a ritual will take place."
I sighed, "Alright."
We returned to the Mulvern Market parking lot, got in our
vehicles, and left. We decided to meet again the same time same place in two
days when Jezz said the moon would be full.
Entry #0092: A Most
Sinister Ritual
The moon was full Wednesday night. Leaving our cars at the
market, we scurried over to Fanny’s, observing several cars crammed into the
small lot. But we double-backed and then snuck down the back alley and to the
rear of thrift shop where we found several more cars parked there, and Garret’s
motorcycle. Of course.
We saw lights shining from the basement windows and we
heard ominous chanting from over a dozen throats, male and female alike. Jezz
and I hunkered down and peered through one of the narrow rectangular glass pane.
We witnessed a circle of black robed people, hoods covering their heads and
faces, all chanting something in a foreign
language I did not recognize, and they slowly swayed back and forth to
the rhythm of the chant. Between the heads and shoulders of the people I
glimpsed something on the empty cement floor, a large pentagram painted in red!
Blood red, in fact! So far the whole scene fit Jezz’s premonitory dream to a T.
But at each of the five corners of the pentagram rested five black beeswax
eternal flame candles, as if flickering sinisterly. I wanted to ask if she had
seen these candles in her dream, so when I began to whisper, she shushed me. Of
course, we didn't want to be caught.
One of the robed figures stepped forward, holding a large
volume. Removing the hood, we saw that it was Tobias Rook. He opened the volume
and read aloud something in some language that sounded like Latin, so I had no
idea what he was saying. Then he closed the book and stepped back.
Then somebody else came forward, a shorter person who flung off the hood,
and it was Fanny.
She raised her arms and began speaking in a loud
ritualistic voice, in English, "Once again, and finally for the thirteenth time
this year, we call upon thee, O Dark Goddess, the Mighty Lilitha, Lady of the
Dark Depths, we endeavor to increase the length and breadth of the portal even
further, the door to our Abysmal Plane, to tear down the gossamer curtains of
separation, that no barriers block the way, to allow one great gulf of reality
alone, which will be filled with our most unholy Darkness! This is our supreme
goal! Likewise, we have continued to communicate to our eminent Lord of
Darkness, the great Abaddon, to summons him once again, and to prepare a way for
him to manifest into the earth world. We have endeavored for many long months,
and now upon the thirteenth assembly, we shall invoke the final summing.
And to allow this grand transmogrification, we shall call upon the great
At that, another dark robed figure came forward and stood
next her. Moving the hood back, we saw that it was Garret Creely, who then
stepped over and stood in the middle of the circle.
Fanny continued to loudly intone, but as she did we saw her
face transform into that ugly witch-face I saw earlier. "This man shall serve as
your vessel for the allotted time that is necessary, to manifest and speak to
us. O great Lord Abaddon, we beseech you to come forth!"
Suddenly, Garret began to tremble, and sweat formed and
dripped from his forehead, then his eyes turned red and his mouth opened wide as
a gravelly deep base voice spoke, "I am here! I have tolerated your petty
pleadings and rantings thus far. However, I do not serve you… but you knaves
serve me! I do not do your bidding, you do mine! For thousands of years I have
taunted and teased the fleshy worms of this despicable plane of wretched
existence. Now you have given me a way in. But I care not about your whims and
fancies to merge two realms, a silly and futile request. The Abysmal Plane is my
domain and it shall remain exactly as it is. However, I do seek to wreak havoc
and destroy this despicable earthly plane!"
Suddenly, a dark whirlwind formed around Garret as he began
to transform into that hideous demonic entity with four horns and four waging
arms, growing in size and shrieking abominably as fire shot out of his mouth.
The malevolent maelstrom grew stronger and expanded, and the dark robed figures
began being pulled into it. The whole building began to shake and rumble as if
by a colossal earthquake. Jezz and I ran like hell down the back alley, but when
we heard a frightful explosion, we stopped and turned around, seeing the whole
building blowing up and the dark whirlwind flailing this way and that as it grew
larger, acting like a raging demonic cyclone.
We continued running down the alley until we reached the
market parking lot. We agreed to meet at the old Rocket filling station, a few
miles down the road, hoping that was a safe distance. Then we got in our
vehicles and took off. We saw the heinous tornado tearing through town,
destroying buildings and large debris was flying everywhere.
We headed west down Mulvern Avenue that turned into Highway

An approaching malevolent maelstrom
Entry #0093:
Abaddon Begins Wreaking Havoc
We parked by the gas pumps, got out of our cars and looked
into the east, seeing the shrieking black tornado growing larger and tearing
through buildings back in Mulvern as the ground shook where we stood.
We began talking excitedly.
I exclaimed, "What the hell is happening?"
She replied, "I don't know! But those people are tampering
with powers beyond their understanding!"
"They unleashed something evil. And that Abaddon character
is not somebody we wanna mess around
"His intentions are to destroy the earth plane? That's
"You tell him
"No thanks."
"So far Mulvern is being reduced to rubble and I'm not sure
how far out this thing will spread. This whole thing sounds like something on
the lines of the Apocalypse."
"Whatever you want to call it, I'm not sticking around to
see what happens."
"They mentioned something called the Abysmal Plane. I
wonder if that's the same thing as the Dark Side."
"I'm pretty sure it is."
We still felt tremors which emanated from the psychically
dark epicenter a few miles back into town, where we saw the hideous tornado
continuing to tear through the little town.
I said curtly, "Time get out of here. Hope to see you
We both got back in our cars and took off for our separate
homes. I took the long way around, going up the slope along Baker Rd a few miles, near the west side
of Balaban Butte. Then I turned left on Carnelian Rd, practically a dirt trail,
which went around the south tip of the long butte, until I reached Mesa Rd. I turned
right up to this paved Avenue, until I got onto the long dirt road that wound
through the cabin district, and finally reaching my own yellow cabin. Home sweet
I stared down the long slope of the Valley, and even
several miles away the dark cyclone of dark destruction still looked ominous and
large, tearing through the town of
as large chunks of debris flew into the air around it as it destroyed buildings.
I couldn’t look any longer, it was too much.
When I got inside, I made some phone calls. I told Chad
what just happened, and he was flabbergasted, but he told me he would call all
the others in the group. Then I called Monica, told her about the crazy
situation that just happened, that she should hold off on coming up here. She
said that was unfortunate because her mother had gotten out of the hospital, and
that finally she was able to get ready to move. I told her to wait, but that we
should stay in touch until this whole thing was resolved -- if that was ever
possible. If we were talking about some kind of apocalyptic devastation, I had
no idea what that would mean, what kind of world we would be living in -- if the
world would even be there anymore.
Entry #0094: Aftermath of the Tornado
from Hell
I woke up the next morning, and apparently the world was
still there. I looked out the window of the cabin, and saw darkly overcasting
clouds. It was mid-March, but it felt chilly like a desert winter. It didn’t
feel like the seasonal chill, but it felt more ominous. I gazed down the slope
to see if the town of Mulvern
was still there, whether or not that supernatural tornado destroyed it
completely or what. Considering the town was several miles down the slope, I
couldn’t make much out, so I retrieved my binoculars out of the glove
compartment of the Blazer. Gazing through these, I could definitely see the mass
destruction the dark cyclone from hell had wreaked. Only a few outlying
buildings were intact, but the whole downtown area was totally devastated.
Pretty much everything below
Foothill Rd was toast, so the cyclone didn’t travel
up the slope to far at all. I didn't know if it had petered out last night or
travelled on to somewhere else -- or what. I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure of
anything lately.
Then Leo and I got fresh brewed coffee from the metal pot
resting on the potbelly stove in the corner. He sat at the kitchen table with
his laptop, sipping his coffee.
"Odd. The Mulvern
Daily Press can’t be accessed. At least I got the Apple Valley
Gazette. And now I find out that not only are people disappearing, but
buildings too."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
He pointed to a little photograph next to an article
headline, which read, "Thrift Shop Disappears!” The picture showed a jagged
crater where Fanny’s place had been. Another photo showed totally wiped out
buildings, next to another article he scrolled down to that read, “Mulvern
Devastated by Tornado.”
Leo explained, "Apparently this all happened last night.
But the article says that most of the downtown area is in ruins due to some
tornado, and countess people have disappeared -- again. But how could a tornado
just come out of nowhere -- there were no storm clouds last night when I looked
before I went to bed. But I did feel an earthquake."
Since Leo was asleep last night, I hadn't told him anything
yet. Now I did. I told him the whole story, and all the gory paranormal details
involved. He was obviously shocked and appalled.
Leo commented, "You're always getting into trouble. I
suppose I should’ve gone with you."
I sighed heavily and said, "Things are getting far too
strange, and I don’t know what we’re going to do about it."
"Nothing. Hole up in the bunker and watch old DVDs," Leo
"Seriously. Too many strange things have happened, and now
Fanny’s shop is totally gone, and most of Mulvern is in shambles, and people
have disappeared."
"Maybe it's the rapture, and we missed it. Drat." Leo
snickered again.
I shook my head. "Yeah, right. You know I highly doubt the
validity of that concept. Anyway, this is all about the dark rift, that's
obvious. After that eerie satanic ritual Jezz and I witnessed, and that strange
psychic tornado phenomenon started wreaking havoc, I thought this was the
beginning of the Apocalypse. Now I’m not sure what happened."
"Ah, you're disappointed that the world didn't end. You had
high expectations and now you’re all let down. Time for a twelve-pack of beer,
old buddy."
"Sounds like a good idea," I grinned.
"But it's too early for beer. I'll wait till noon at least. Let’s tank up
on strong coffee first, some of that exotic Brazilian blend you brought. And
there’s still some bear claws and cinnamon rolls left to munch on."
Entry #0095: The
Dark Entity and the Light
Early the next morning, around 6:15 am, my cell phone rang.
It was Jezz, and her voice was trembling as she spoke excitedly. "I had a
terrifying dream last night, Starky! It seemed so
real, in fact, on a higher frequency I
know it was real!"
"Yikes! Well, tell me about it."
"I was in my bed
sleeping last night, and I thought I woke up, but like I've done sometimes, I
was actually astral projecting. I felt something was off in my apartment, like
somebody was there, so I went to every room and checked it out, at first seeing
nothing, but I still felt a negative energy, a dark presence. Then I opened the
bedroom closet, shining a flashlight into it, I saw an ominous dark figure with
orange eyes, and it had an eerie green outline, a thin aura of sorts, a yucky
sick green color. Anyway, my first reaction was to run, but the voice inside
said I must confront it. I asked the thing, ‘Who are you?’
But it didn't answer at first. I asked again forcefully, and it said in a
gravelly whispery voice, ‘Abaddon sent me.’"
"Holy shit! You’re kidding!"
"No! That's when the fear started hitting me, you know, and
I wanted to get the hell out of there! I called on my spirit guide and guardian
angels to help, and then I started feeling strength. Because that dark entity
came out of the closet and I saw it stretch its arms out, and black energy began
projecting from its hands, shooting it toward me. Realize I’ve studied spiritual
light for many years so I used the tools that I knew. I got centered and filled
my aura with the white light, but the inky dark shit began surrounding me, but
it couldn't penetrate the bubble of light I created. So I concentrated harder
for the light to be stronger than the darkness, you know, but I felt the
darkness squeezing in on me, trying to suffocate me, as the dark entity stepped
closer with his arms outstretched, continuing to enshroud me with its evil
darkness. Then I realized I had to do the same thing, you know, so I stretched
out my arms, but I shot out beams of white light, directly at the dark entity,
and then it jerked back slightly, losing control for a few seconds as I shot a
beam of light from my hands directly at the creature, you know, and the light
hit his greenish aura and tried to break through, but just pushed it inward
about a foot. Then the dark entity continued shooting the darkness at me, but I
shot beams of light back at it, a steady stream of light, and I felt my angels
and spirit guide giving me strength. It was a tug-of-war of light against
darkness for a while, you know, I don't know how long, things are timeless in
the dream world, you know."
"God! This sounds incredible!"
"But anyway, the entity was saying, ‘You can't win, I am
stronger than you.’ As far as I was concerned, the creature was lying and trying
to weaken me, because I know the white light is stronger than the darkness, so I
yelled, "You lie! The light is much stronger, in fact, darkness is nothing,
because darkness is sheer absence of light!’ I felt the light shooting out of my
hands, you know, pushing the dark entity back, and then the stream of light
began pushing into the dark entity’s green aura and shrinking it as the thing
began groaning. But for a minute there it pushed back with a strong surge of
dark energy, damn near knocked me off my feet, but then I pushed back a stronger
jolt of white light, keeping the thought in mind that the light is the source of
my being while the darkness is simply the absence of the light. Soon as I shot
beams of light outward and seeing the light energy surrounding the dark entity,
its own dark aura was weakening and shrinking more, then it screamed hideously,
you know. Suddenly the creature shrunk to a dark spot, which in turn
disappeared, and there was nothing but light all around me! I won the battle and
felt the glorious triumph of light overcoming darkness! It was awesome, Starky!"
All I could say was, "Wow!" At that point, I was pretty
much speechless
Jezz continued, "Like I said, on a higher frequency I
believe this really happened."
I finally replied, "I absolutely believe that. I think you
were actually visited by some dark entity, especially since it said Abaddon sent
it. Wow! That was definitely incredible!"