The Shifting of Reality

Entry #0033: A Conversation with Monica

It was early November, and it was no longer as hot as it had been.

Something freaky happened one morning. Wearing my buckskin jacket I took one of my desert walks, and I was only gone half an hour. I return to the cabin and went down to the bunker, and I noticed something weird in my bookshelf. It has six shelves crammed full of books, but the fifth shelf up had been tampered with! Most of the books had been literally turned around, backs facing in and pages facing out! Who the hell was the practical joker!? Nobody had access to the bunker since I always locked it. I figured it was mischievous ghosts, or even those pesky shadow people. It was definitely paranormal, that's for sure. I corrected the books, then looked around the room of the bunker to see if anything else that didn't messed with, but I found nothing. Except at the corner of my eye I spied a whooshing shadow person, and I could swear I heard a whispering snicker. Damn! I decided to leave and go down town, grab a bite.

As usual, I brought my micro-recorder with me wherever I went, so that I could record interesting conversations with individuals, mainly so I could include them in this unfolding account. And I used it for important phone calls too.

Anyway, I drove down to Mulvern and had breakfast at the Kountry Kitchen. Buttermilk hotcakes drenched in blueberry syrup with a side of link sausages and scrambled eggs -- and hot coffee with half ‘n' half.

After I finished, I decided to call Monica on my cell phone, micro-recorder on the ready. Thankfully I got through. We discussed a few personal matters, and I told her about my new "plutonic" friend Jezz, and she was cool with this. We briefly talked about her moving up here, but she apologized for procrastinating, since she had intended to do it during the summer, which had come and gone now. She still had a few loose ends to tie up. Then I updated her on the strange events that were transpiring in my life, especially the curious shadow people, the reality shifts, the vanishing bookstore, and the latest bookshelf mystery. Here's a portion of our conversation:

I told her, "These last several months have been really strange. What do you make of it all, Monica?"

Monica replied, "Do you always attract attention from weird strangers?"

"Yeah, it's a gift."

"First those dark strangers, then shadow people?"

"I also attracted that paranormal society, but they don't know what to make of all this either."

"Anyone who is teetering at threshold between this world and the next is definitely in a precarious place, if not a dangerous one."

I frowned, "That's all I need in my life, more danger and intrigue."

Monica said gravely, "I do sense some kind of psychic aperture opening up in your desert area, a rift of sorts."

"One of the group members, Sheila, talked about a rift too."

"Is she psychic?"

"She's never outright said that, but I suspect she's pretty intuitive."

"I've got a feeling you can listen to her then."

"Just don't get jealous," I chuckled.

"I'll trust you."

"Anyway, these so-called reality shifts are starting to really concern me, like the disappearing bookstore, there one day, gone the next. Then the disappearing book, and the crystal too. Am I going crazy?"

"No, you're not," she laughed.

"I'm glad to hear that from you," I sighed.

"This opening rift is most likely allowing you to see unusual things that normally don't exist in our world, like the shadow people, or even the disappearing bookstore."

"I've got a theory it's more like seeing into a parallel world, or stepping into it briefly."

"That's one explanation."

"That bookstore may exist in some other earthly world, but not in ours, so I simply unknowingly crossed through the rift and stepped into it, browsed around, left, then it was gone the next day. Although I'm sure the Dark Side is nudging in on us closer and closer, I'm starting to wonder if some of these parallel universes exist on these darker levels."

Monica chuckled, "You don't really need me to explain these things, do you?"

I laughed back, "I tend to overanalyze things a tad. That keeps me from going crazy - or maybe it's making me crazy. Hmmm."

"It's true that some people that experience these continuing psychic events have a tendency to lose their mental capacity. They begin to fail to recognize the real from the unreal."

"Yeah, lose their minds, you mean. Like back when I thought I was having crazy schizophrenic episodes, seeing conspiracies everywhere and such - which turned out to be real."

"Your mind may play tricks on you now and then, trying to break your trust in yourself and your own perception, but I would say you're pretty sane."

"Damn, and here I'm trying to tell people on my website that I'm a crazy man with a demented mind," I said in mock seriousness.

Monica replied, "That's simply your online persona. I admit some of the things you write are pretty crazy, but entertaining."

"Glad to hear that from you."

Entry #0034: The Conversation with Monica Continues

Monica imparted to me, "The fact is you are spiritually sensitive, and this is why you're perceiving these strange occurrences, whether it's seeing shadow people, or experiencing reality shifts. Many people are just blind to such things."

I asked, "Do you think there is a connection between the two? Like some kind of a synchronistic connection?"

Monica replied, "It's possible. If you are seeing these beings regularly, they may be slipping through this opening rift somewhere."

I nodded, "I figured as much. So is this kind of rift found in certain locations or can they be randomly found anywhere?"

"There are such things as sacred sites and vortexes found in various areas, for instance around Sedona in Arizona. But these are usually high points for higher vibrations where people can more easily meditate and tune into divinity. But the kind of rift I suspect you're talking about defies physical location, so they can appear anywhere. It's more of a fissure in the space-time continuum, or a thinning of the veil between planes, so sometimes a spot of psychic weakness may occur in a certain place for various reasons, often due to tampering. So vortexes or fissures may manifest around certain locations, but quite often they have more to do with times of the day or night, such as past midnight, or the full moon, eclipses, and various other natural time frames. But sometimes these psychic doorways are random and defy any known reason why or how or where they will manifest, but quite often, somebody will tamper with psychic phenomena and cause a psychic rip, but often these are limited and temporary. Unfortunately, some people are vulnerable and their bodies serve as doorways to darker influences, even possession."

"Yikes! Now you're scaring me," I yelped.

Monica reassured me, "Don't worry. Usually possession is dependant on individuals that are addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who willingly allow entrance."

"I drink an occasional beer."

"You've got nothing to worry about then."

"So, when you move up here, I hope you join our little paranormal club. It's kinda fun."

Monica said noncommittally, "I'd like too, but we'll see. I can't make any promises. But in a couple of months I should be ready to move."

"Sounds great! I can't wait!"

Well, that was the important stuff, and I always felt better after talking to Monica.

Entry #0035: Talking with Jezz

On the phone, Jezz and I discussed more about all the strange events that had transpired so far, and she said it sounded like I was in the middle of the Twilight Zone. I told her that sometimes I suspected I was going crazy, but she said if that was true, she was going crazy too, considering her weird earring incident. I told her that most likely the whole world was a loony bin, and all the people in it were the inmates.

I told her how I came to the conclusion that when reality shifts occurred, they could be moments of synchronicity, but I was still trying to figure out what such instances were pointing to, if there was some unseen plan being orchestrated. Or perhaps all it meant was that this dark rift was opening further and further and allowing strange things to happen in our earthly plane. Perhaps it was no more than that. Although that alone was pretty scary. But I also suggested that these reality shifts were also clues that doorways into parallel worlds or other dimensions existed, and perhaps this opening rift was such a doorway.

Entry #0036: Contemplating Transpiring Events

One late night in mid November, I sat in front of my blaringly bright computer screen, working on my next Zones Unknown article, I found myself distracted and unfocused, contemplating everything that had transpired so far. Yeah, really weird shit! I could only anticipate what could happen next, and wondering where it would all lead. Was all of this just random paranormal events, or could I connect them like dots and make out a logical coherent picture, which would depicts a grander scheme of things? Who or what were these shadow people, and what was the nature of this dark rift that was opening into this earthly plane, like some kind of dark storm front moving in? What was causing it? Did something happen that opened it in the first place? Or did it simply boil down to several random mini-rifts or vortexes that opened, then closed here and there? Or put another way, was it that the thinning of the veil between our plane and the Dark Side occurred in certain locations and not others? And was this rift causing these unfolding reality shifts? Were things from this side and the Dark Side being confused or switching locations now and then? Or even disappearing or reappearing? I really didn't know for sure, but I suspected as much.

The shifting of my immediate reality was getting unnerving, and it was the feeling of the floor collapsing out from under me, implying this world was indeed an illusion. But this rift phenomenon seemed to be behind the shifting of reality around me.

I also wondered if I was experiencing a schizophrenic rift in my mental fabric. Was I losing my ability to discern what's real and what's not real? Although one part of me felt that was ridiculous, the other part felt it was ridiculous to believe any of this freaky weird shit at all. But I'm an open-minded guy, because I get tired of all the idiotic materialistic or psychological explanations. It's easier to think somebody's going nuts than to believe he's actually experiencing something paranormal, or even something spiritual.

Yeah, going stark raving loony is the easiest explanation, but I don't want to fall back into that muck and mire like before. That strange ordeal that began in '08 had nearly tipped me over the edge of sanity, but fortunately, I lived through it, my sanity barely intact.

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