Glimmers from Beyond

Entry#0015: Focusing on Synchronicity

Things were really popping in my life at that time. I became a member of a paranormal group, I gained a new friend, plus weird freaky things were happening as well. Were all of these things a matter of synchronicity? Or was I looking too hard for connections everywhere that might not even be there? If so, this is what I call blind intuition.

I realize that sometimes people have an eagle-eye in searching for coincidences in their lives, to find meaning in life, which really means they're looking for synchronicities everywhere. Sometimes I think we fabricate our own, or we connect dots that don't really connect, but sometimes there are genuine instances of synchronicity. And from this, it's clear that Jezz and I were meant to meet.

That night I sat down in my station of operations in Area 57, cracked open my new book, The Science of the Synchronicity, and by the light of my desk lamp, with a little extra help from my glaring computer screen, I began reading this engrossing volume. I have never heard of the author before, Joseph Kortecamp, but apparently this was the only book he ever wrote.

Although you see "plot contrivances" in fiction, these are orchestrated by the author, who is essentially the god of his own creation. But in life, we call such events synchronicity. So an unseen Author is orchestrating events here on Earth, perhaps as He, She, or It is writing his Grand Novel.

To record this in my account, I had to jot this particular passage down that jumped out at me:

"Synchronicity defies circumstances occurring by mere chance. Situations in synchronicity occur with a definite purpose. When you experience episodes of synchronicity, you are being moved along a higher path in which a greater design exists. Denying this process in your life will only hinder your progress. As long as you pay heed to your intuition, the synchronicities will sharpen and become more defined. In fact, an active intuition will lead you through such synchronicities."

I agree with that. If anything, this book would tend to remind me to keep my focus, to be open to ongoing synchronicities, see where they would lead me.

Entry #0016: More on Synchronicity

I found myself reading this fascinating book for the next few hours. I wasn't going to jot down every interesting passage I came across, but maybe just a few that really jumped out at me. Alright, here's a couple more:

"Synchronicity takes place when parallel events point to a specific direction for a particular reason, completely non-arbitrarily. For coincidence applies to meaningless random events that seem to line up, whereas synchronicity specifically qualifies a purposeful progression, whereby consciousness is motivating such events, whether it is from a person's higher self, or perhaps unseen advanced beings that are orchestrating situations behind the scenes. Although many may say God is guiding events, which satisfies religious thinkers, it is also true that other intelligences may be at work here. Each being's interior higher intelligence is guiding affairs in his life, especially if a preordained plan is unfolding for this person, for each soul has a prearranged life-plan, and instances of synchronicity usually guide the soul along its given life-plan. Quite often, synchronicities occur with a group of people that have come together for a common cause. In this case, the higher intelligences within each person of such a group (which ultimately amalgamates into one intelligence) are operating in unison to orchestrate the patterns of synchronicity, which are directing the group's life-plan. A group of awakened people as a collective are God in manifestation, and synchronicities will abound in unfolding their divine purpose."

"Instances of synchronicity are repetitive patterns that can be traced in our lives, leading toward some purpose or goal. Each individual may have personal synchronistic moments for his own growth and development, but mankind in general is evolving and heading for a final outcome. Following our synchronicities leads us on a journey of continual discovery, and all people, whether they know it or not, partake of this great journey. Many may refuse to participate, so they go against the "flow," while the remaining journeyers are entering an era of genuine spiritual awakening into higher consciousness. In fact, mankind in general is evolving toward Cosmic Consciousness."

Pretty cool info! I could keep putting more passages here in this account, but I didn't want to overdo it.

I wondered how reality shifts played a part in synchronicities, and hoped this book would eventually discuss that. Although some theories suggest that these shifts are a glitch in the system, like glimpsing things behind the scenes by accident, I wanted to find out how they acted in moments of synchronicity, a purposeful unfoldment of events, as opposed to things simply lining up by accident. So these are two opposing theories. Can both be right at the same time? Hmm. I'd have to be more observant and figure this out for myself.

Entry #0017: The New Project

It was about a week later, still June, when Jezz called and said she had a great idea for a project we could do. We met at the Del Taco on Navajo Rd in Apple Valley. While we ate Americanized Mexican food she told me she looked at my website and thought it was pretty cool, and that it gave her an idea. We could add a new section on the site that would pertain to strictly paranormal subjects, and we could have video segments on it, or link it to YouTube. I told her I thought that was a great idea.

She had a laptop that could make videos via her webcam, that all we had to do was sit in front of the screen and talk. Basically each episode would be a discussion on a certain paranormal subject, and so we came up with ideas like synchronicity, dreams, astral projection, telepathy, reality shifts, hauntings, the occult, and so forth. In my pocket tablet I wrote a list of subjects that we came up with. We were both getting pretty excited about it, especially when she said we could call the whole thing - wait for it - "Paranormal Frequency." I liked the sound of that. I told her about a TV show she could find online called "Out There TV" that my friend Leo Stroud introduced to me several years ago. They covered a lot of strange subjects, anything from the paranormal to conspiracy theories, and more. She said sticking strictly with paranormal subjects would be our forte. She also suggested we use our handles, calling ourselves Jezz and Starky. I liked that idea, I told her.

She said sometime soon we needed to do some tests on her webcam before we committed ourselves to the actual first episode. She said she would also get a YouTube account and get our very own channel! This all sounded very exciting, and I was ready to plunge into this new project.

Of course, a week after that we got together to begin our project, so I invited her to my somewhat clandestine location way up on the slope above Mulvern, and took her down to Area 57. I gave her the grand tour, which took several minutes, and she thought it was the coolest bunker she had ever seen - actually, the only one she'd ever seen.

We did our webcam testing on her laptop, checking for sound and picture quality and lighting in the room, and so forth. Since my station of operations was fairly dim, I fetched my old 300 watt camp-light and turned it on, which seemed to be plenty of light for what we needed. Then we ended up making a silly film with us laughing and saying stupid stuff that was too embarrassing and adolescent to repeat. And I absentmindedly neglected to have my micro-recorder handy anyway. I had carelessly left it in the Blazer, but I didn't feel like fetching it. Oh well. But we had fun anyway.

Incidentally, a few days earlier I had asked Chad about Jezz, who knew her as Cindy Benson, but he said she didn't stay long in their group. She was a likable person, but didn't want to hang out with the group to often. She was too independent, he thought. No surprises there.

Entry #0018: The Mysterious Black Out

I think it was around the first week of July when this next freaky incident occurred. I was sitting in my station of operations, down in Area 57, when I was researching information about UFOs online for one of my Zones Unknown articles, then the desk lamp and computer screen flickered off and on for a few seconds. Then the lights went out entirely for several minutes. In the pitch darkness, I saw something at the corner of my eye, an eerie bluish figure, something you'd see in a black light display. It moved toward the door and went out. I got up and tried to feel myself around the room and enter the passageway beyond. I saw the bluish figure go down the passageway, then disappeared into the wall. In a few seconds the lights flickered back on. This was truly weird! It was about 15 minutes to 10 o'clock pm, nearly time for me to listen to my favorite radio show, Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory. But first I called Chad and told him what happened. He was perplexed, but said I should chronicle it. I also called Sheila and I asked her what she thought. She said it seemed obvious that "they" were trying to reach out to me, that they needed me for some purpose. Whoever "they" were. We talked about various other weird phenomena, but that was the gist of it.

It was about 10:20 and I had missed part of the show. I clicked on the radio, preset to the right station, and George was doing a show with a guest speaker who was an expert on astral projection. I listened intensely. This was strange because in the second hour the guy mentioned that clairvoyants could see individuals who were astrally-projecting, and that some people claimed that in many cases this is what shadow people were. I wondered about that. Was I just seeing astral projectors wandering around, trying to get my attention, or were they beings from another dimension -- or what? Plus were they malevolent or benevolent? I didn't know.

Entry #0019: The Psychic Thief

The next morning I noticed that something was missing off my desk in my station of operations. You see, a few days before, in the storage room in a box of some of my old junk I found an amethyst crystal I had bought many years ago in some souvenir shop when I took a vacation to Yellowstone, while I was living in Sioux Falls, SD. It was a fascinating gem about two inches long, so that day I simply placed it at the right hand side of my desk. I think that sometime during that short-term blackout is when it disappeared, and I suspected that shadow person was the culprit. If they can pass in and out of different dimensions, then they can certainly grab physical objects and take them. Why they would want this crystal, I didn't know. Progressive-minded people believe that crystals are psychic memory devices, and they're also used for balancing and healing of the human body, especially involving the chakras and the aura. So if this crystal had some kind of psychic connection, perhaps that is why he took it. But I really didn't know.

I called Jezz and told her all about it. She admitted that was a freaky incident. She had only heard a few things about shadow people, like on the Coast-to-Coast AM radio show that we both listened to - and I thought this was pretty cool that she and I had that in common. Was that another instance of synchronicity, I wondered? She said several millions of people listened to the show, so she didn't think so. But she said the fact that a "paranormal" entity confiscated a "normal" object of the material realm was pretty strange. It seemed inconsistent, if not flat-out illogical.

So, I had a psychic thief on my hands!

Entry #0020: A Paranormal Picnic at Pioneer Park

Around the month of July it was pretty warm and humid, and a few things occurred during that time. For starters, the Mojave Desert Paranormal Society didn't have another event lined up yet, but one Saturday about the second week of July we decided to have a picnic at Pioneer Park and just hang out, and discuss the usual weird phenomena. In the shade of a large elm tree, we all sat at one of the benches, and we had homemade fried chicken, hamburgers, potato salad, various types of chips, coleslaw, and apple pie for dessert. Plus we had iced tea, lemonade, and cans of pop, different brands. It was essentially a potluck, so we each brought something -- I brought barbecue potato chips and Cheetos. I'm not much of a cook. We discussed many varied and strange topics, anywhere from unexplained UFO sightings (which I brought up) to curses at Indian burial grounds (which Rick brought up). I was getting tired of his penchant for curses -- maybe he was cursed to discuss curses all the time. Travis discussed some newfangled EMF meter he purchased online, where he loved to search for "para-gear." He also bought some kind of psychic penlight that penetrated ectoplasm or anything astral. Then I brought up to the group that I suspected a shadow person stole my amethyst crystal.

I explained the whole incident, but Rick countered, "That's impossible. Something celestial can't simply take something terrestrial. Yes, you might hear about such things in movies, but that's as far as it go."

I argued, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but it actually happened."

Sheila said, "If these shadow beings have actually left their dark plane through a dimensional rift, entering ours, perhaps materializing to some degree, I believe they can most certainly touch or grab onto a physical object."

Rick continued, "But such an entity wouldn't be able to bring a solid material object back into their realm successfully, could it?"

She replied, "I believe it's possible."

Travis grinned, "If old Starky saw it happen, I believe it."

Sheila suggested, "It seems they want something from you, and not just crystals. Perhaps they're just trying to get your attention."

I asked, "If they want something from me, why don't they blatantly confront me and tell me what it is?"

Travis chuckled, "They're just shy."

Sheila replied, "Manifesting from one plane to another is not easy, and communication between planes is usually not an easy feat either. But obviously they're trying to get your attention."

I shook my head, and said, "I'm not crazy about being the center of attention -- especially from psychic entities." Then I drank from my can of Mountain Dew.

Sheila said, "There are spirits all around us, and sometimes they're eavesdropping in on our conversations."

Chad chuckled, "That sucks. You'd think we could have some privacy around here."

After a while, the conversation petered out to nothing worth mentioning. But when I got up to visit the Men's Restroom, I saw a flash of a dark figure at the corner of my eye again. I reflexively looked around, seeing nothing after that. Coming out of the Restroom, I saw it again. Goosebumps formed up and down my arms, and I wondered just how close the Dark Side was to our earth plane if this mysterious rift was truly opening wider and wider.

I told the group about what just happened, and Travis jeered, "I think you're going batty, Starky."

I smirked "This isn't the first time I've gone crazy."

Entry #0021: The Phantom Bookstore

Another weird event occurred later in July. Let me first say that immediately after that dark stranger ordeal back in 2009, I reactivated my P.O. Box down at the post office. Although I was getting the usual junk mail, I had also started up my subscriptions of magazines, like UFO Magazine, Writer's Digest, and Paranormal Guide, and also Netflix for my movie viewing pleasure. We all need are leisure time, or comfort zone as some call it.

Anyway, I was driving down Mulvern Avenue heading for the Post Office, eager to get one or more of my magazines which were due that week, when I drove by what was usually Fanny's Thrift Shop, but I saw a new sign there above the door that read ROOK'S BOOKS. Perhaps old Fanny had retired finally and someone else moved in and bought her out. She was well into her nineties anyway. When I was a child I remembered when she was sixty-something, and as a kid I had thought that was pretty old.

I decided after I got my mail at the Post Office, I would come back here and check out this new bookstore, something Mulvern had never had before, because after all, the newly expanded Library had all the books we needed in this small town. Soon after getting my mail, which did include my August issue of UFO Magazine (they always arrived early), I returned to where the new bookstore was -- only to see the old faded FANNY'S THRIFT SHOP above the door! I was aghast, wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me. Was I going mad again, like I thought I was a couple years ago? I drove on down the street, turned left on Highland Rd and headed back toward my cabin, expecting this was one of those weird reality shifts, which only happened once in a while. The most reasonable explanation was that when a person experiences this type of phenomenon, either his mind is playing tricks on him, or he is suffering from some kind of mental illness. The New Agers explain it as experiencing reality shifts.

Once again, I considered the notion of how reality shifts might have something to do with synchronicity, which meant some unknown factor was trying to tell me something? Was my "higher intelligence" trying to point something out to me? Within a fifteen minute period I drove by the same building twice, and each time it was a different business. That was one weird instance of synchronicity and a reality shift combined!

When I got back home, I called Chad and told him about this latest reality shift event. He was flabbergasted too, but didn't know what to make of it. The whole reality shift phenomenon was actually new to him, having heard of it first from me. He admitted that occasionally he would come up with missing socks in the laundry, and had lost his favorite wristwatch one day, which reappeared a month later, but he chalked it up to absent-mindedness. I told him that was quite possible. I explained to him how I once had a pocket knife in my hand, which had slipped out and fallen under the bed. But I couldn't find it beneath the bed or anywhere in the room; it should have been within several inches of where I dropped it. A few months later I found it inside one of my shoes in the other room. That was pretty weird I thought, and so did Chad.

I even called Jezz and told her all about it, and the other reality shifts that were unfolding in my life. She was amazed and had only read about such things online. I also relayed to her how I felt synchronicity and reality shifts must have some kind of connection, perhaps not in all cases, but at least in some cases. She said that possibility would be worth exploring. But the idea of reality shifts intrigued her, and she said this would be a perfect subject matter for our Paranormal Frequency episodes. I agreed, although at that moment my mind was dwelling on the conundrum of the real situation, not feeling any immediate inclination to report about it.

Street view of the Kountry Kitchen in Mulven

Entry #0022: Planning the Paranormal

It was around the beginning of August when Jezz and I got the first episode of our Paranormal Frequency Show underway. At first we just had a discussion and jotted down notes over coffee at the Kountry Kitchen, until we had an actual detailed format. Our first episode would be on the subject of dreams, and their paranormal ramifications.

One morning, Jezz called me up and wanted to get together and work more on our filming project. I said I was ready to go, but we set it up for the next day, and we would do it at her apartment in Apple Valley. She gave me the address, somewhere on Tomahawk Rd. Around 6:00 pm for dinner, she said.

I couldn't wait! This would be exiting!

Entry #0023: Getting Started with Paranormal Frequency

The neighborhood on Tomahawk Rd in Apple Valley where Jezz lived was very nice, various types of trees along decent middle class homes. That evening as I drove along the sleek, paved avenue and parked, I gawked at her house: a white stucco ranch house with red Spanish tile on the roof, one story, with a wrought iron fence in front. A large sycamore tree shaded the front lawn. She had her maroon '95 Ford Taurus parked out front. However, as she had told me, the main house was owned by an elderly couple, and an apartment in back was hers. So I followed a flagstone walkway around back, and knocked on her door.

She opened the door, glad to see me. She wore a black T-shirt with a white AC/DC logo on the front and her usual ragged blue jeans. Her small one bedroom place was very charming. She had made a large casserole dish of lasagna, one of my favorite meals. We drank Bud Lite with it, and chocolate ice cream with caramel syrup on it for desert. Then we settled in her living room where her laptop was on the coffee table and we got underway on our project. She had spent a half an hour on checking for sound and lighting and picture quality. Her laptop didn't give the best images, but what we had would have to suffice for now. We discussed getting better equipment eventually, maybe a camcorder.

All I can say is, we began our first episode of Paranormal Frequency, on the subject of dreams. We acted casual yet informative, ad libbing the whole thing of course. We said things I wanted to edit out, like tongue-tied crap I spewed out or inappropriate babble, but she thought leaving some things in would make it funny and amusing. Oh well.

She had set up a YouTube account for our "show" and would put it up there soon, then we'd wait for how many hits it would get before we cranked out more episodes. We were both excited!

Sometimes you have to relax and have fun amidst the otherwise craziness of the world around you. And the ideas Jezz and I planned to discuss on our new Paranormal Frequency Show would seem pretty crazy to many people.

Anyway, the first episode was made live on YouTube on August 15, 2010, and the hits began right away.

Incidentally, this freaky show has been up and running for a while now. Check it out!

The Paranormal Frequency Show:

Entry #0024: Weird Event at the Unhaunted House

During the rest of August and the first part of September, nothing eventful occurred. However, Jezz and I had discussed over the phone plans for her next Paranormal Frequency episode, and it would be a Halloween special. Other than that, mostly just long calls to Monica down in Redondo Beach. She was having a hard time getting ready to move, to be with me. She had a lot of things to throw away, and friends and family, especially her mother, didn't want her to leave.

Near the last week of September, the Mojave Desert Paranormal Society had another event. Chad received a call about a family living in Apple Valley on Osage Rd, who suspected their house was haunted. They reported the usual classical strange noises, anywhere from creaking doors to rushing water or the sobbing of a child. Plus the lights or the TV would turn on or off now and then.

Chad told me the first thing they attempt to do was try to debunk a case like this. Either the family was just paranoid and detecting the usual noises of an old house or they were hoaxers. Chad told the family to stay in a motel that night. In the living room we sat in a circle, lights off, one lit candle in the middle. It was midnight and we waited silently. The only thing we heard was a slight wind outside, and creaking sounds from the basement, and since this was an old house still settling, we didn't find this unusual. Around 3:00 am, Chad called it quits, but then I saw something, a dashing dark figure at the corner of my eye. I yelped "Holy shit!" As I turned my head, trying to follow wherever it was running, it disappeared. Travis's EMF meter chirped for only a couple for second, so we knew something was happening.

We waited another hour, but nothing happened.

In the morning, Chad called the father's cell phone, told them we found nothing unusual, no noises, no flashing lights or TV, that one of his members (yours truly) thought he saw something, but nothing was confirmed. After he told them they could return to their house, he hung up, then we all climbed into the van and headed back toward Mulvern. We discussed the practically uneventful event, decided the place was not necessarily haunted, that whatever I saw had no connection to the old house on Osage Rd. Sheila said this was probably one of those shadow people following me as they did before. I was getting tired of these mysterious dark figures stalking me. What the hell did they want anyway?

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