PrologueAs I sit at my computer, beginning the latest account of my chronicles of Area 57, I reflect on the last two and a half years' unfolding events, especially the eerie impossible events that have taken place thus far. As I once feared in the previous account, I wondered if I was going mad, or experiencing schizophrenic episodes, which means I wouldn't be able to discern fantasy from reality. Of course, certain people, especially friends, have assured me I am quite sane, but that I just have an over-active imagination, and see through kaleidoscope-colored glasses. So I should be relieved. But if those same people are figments of that same over-active imagination, I may be stuck in a schizophrenic loop of madness! Nevertheless, truly strange occurrences have been taking place lately here in the Mojave Desert where I live, and at first I didn't know where they were leading, but my intuition indicated that whatever it was, it could be far worst than my previous ordeal with those dark strangers and the sinister Group they represented. And now, upon reflection, I see that I was right! You'll have to bear with me as the ongoing events transpire through the following entries. Then you'll see where it all leads! All that I can disclose now is that the unfolding occurrences are darkly paranormal in nature. Although many may find what has been happening in my life difficult to believe, all I can say is, it's up to you. As I explained in a past entry (#104 in "Ordeal of the Dark Strangers"), many authors use the Ambiguity Device, which means many elements in their accounts may be indeed factual, and then others not so. Or some instances may be a matter of crazy hallucinations. As I've said before, it's just like Robert Leroy Ripley once said, "Believe it or not." So we're back in Area 57! Let the chronicles continue! ![]() |
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