SECTION FIFTEENEntry #0124: Juicy Intel from Mike 08-15-2009 It's been two weeks since I last saw Mike, and finally I got a call from him, just this morning. I told him I've been anticipating his call, wondering if some other goons were lurking around to whack me, or him even. He said I was too paranoid for my own good. I told him what Monica suggested, that we may have been royally duped by Bob and Bill, and if that was the case, others from the Armageddon Initiative may be still out to get us. Via micro-recorder, here's our conversation: Mike: "Whatever those two agents intended, it doesn't matter now. Although I got a swat on the ass for letting them go, our agents finally did catch up to the two and apprehended them. They're in custody now, and being interrogated." Stark: "Glad to hear it. But what about their scheme to fake our deaths?" Mike: "Evidently they were legit about it, far as I can tell. Because they were discovered trying their own fake-out. They were putting two stiffs in their van and they had that grenade-launcher ready. We foiled that little scheme." Stark: "Not very creative, are they?" Mike: "They begged for protection from the Initiative since they were trying to defect, so we gave them a deal. We give them witness protection if they give us info on their outfit, or anything on the Group in general. They complied." Stark: "So what juicy secrets did they spill?" Mike: "Unfortunately, I'm out of that loop. My classification doesn't go that high." Stark: "That sucks." Mike: "But the good news is I can tell you results of information they revealed in the interrogation, because our agents were able to act against the Armageddon Initiative, and they acted pretty fast too." Stark: "That's great!" Mike: "So my intel informs me that all current operations in the Initiative were being aborted." Stark: "Seriously?!" Mike: "Yeah. Essentially, Foundation agents caught the head kahuna of the Armageddon Initiative in a major bank embezzling scheme. This individual is also a CEO of one of the major mega-banks -- but I can't disclose which one -- and he's also a big-wig member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Affairs, and probably numerous other covert Group subsidiaries. Not only that, but the authorities tied him to the assassination of a particular politician -- also can't disclose that -- which means he probably hired a hit man to do it." Stark: "Holy shit! This is some major shit!" Mike: "It sure is! This fiasco caused major problems with the whole Initiative, so it had to recede from all covert activities, or any other diabolical plans, for the time being, at any rate. They couldn't afford to jeopardize their actual existence, because once revealed to the public, they would be finished." Stark: "Wouldn't that be great? The whole outfit defunct." Mike: "Unfortunately, taking it down isn't that easy, and especially the Group as a whole. This mega-conglomerate is too huge." Stark: "For what it's worth, I can just keep discussing it in my online articles." Mike: "Talking about the Group and its covert activities on your blog as you've been doing has been risky, but it's often viewed by many as tabloid material. So who's gonna believe any of it?" Stark: "That's the problem with this kind of information - it always sounds too incredible to believe." Mike: "The other secret societies and covert outfits of the Group have to be extra cautious now as well, so they won't get sucked into the same muck and mire that the Armageddon Initiative has miserably sunk into." Stark: "Too bad for them. But I still wish there was a way to expose the whole conspiracy to the public, take it beyond the usual conspiracy theories and the tabloids." Mike: "If we ever got lucky to where the proper authorities and the media took it seriously, circumstances would change drastically. The broadcasting of its existence and illegal actions in major newspapers and TV networks would cripple it severely. Not to mention law enforcement agencies, like the FBI and CIA and the NSA would take it seriously and they'd all have huge assignments on their hands." Stark: "Don't they already know about the Group and all of its secret factions?" Mike: "Like many govt. departments, they publicly deny it or anything resembling a diabolical secret government or the New World Order - just like they conveniently deny the reality of UFOs and ETs. The usual cover-ups, you know." Stark: "That sucks royally." Mike: "Plus there are the usual rumors of corruption within the Intelligence Community, or essentially Group infiltrators hidden in their ranks. But the Foundation has no concrete evidence of this so far." Stark: "That doesn't sound good at all." Entry #0125: Juicy Intel from Mike, Continued 08-18-2009 Dialogues via phone can be long and drawn out, I know, so I had to make a break there. Now, here's the rest of our recorded spiel: Mike: "Anyway, the Armageddon Initiative will be on hiatus for the time being. Since this criminal outfit is going completely underground and out of sight for now, you don't have to hide any longer." Stark: "What about safety from the Group in general? Isn't it still doing its dirty work in spite of the Initiative?" Mike: "The Group as a whole still functions, but taking a lower profile than usual, being extra cautious. As it stands now, you're small potatoes, and not worth messing with anymore, although it was essentially the Initiative that was after you." Stark: "But because of Bill and Bob's plan, we're considered dead to them now, aren't we?" Mike: "Assuming the Initiative bought it, which I'm sure they did. But it doesn't matter anymore. We're outside their radar range now. Even if we miraculously resurrected from the dead, so to speak, they're too busy with making adjustments, cranking things down for now, pulling up their stakes in various operations. Particularly because the Foundation is continually giving them a hard time, and the Group in general, because we're finding more of its members that have been caught with their illegal pants down. For instance, a select few from the Council on Foreign Affairs attempted to set up a dictator in some small Middle Eastern nation, where oil is plentiful, in order to swiftly acquire it, which would lead to total oppression of its people while the rich aristocrats get richer off the oil. But the Foundation thwarted that diabolical plot quickly. So too many larger activities are taking place around the world, making anything you and I did miniscule in comparison. Anything you've been saying online is regarded as highly questionable by most." Stark: "But I gave out a lot of revealing info in my blog though, and other online mediums too, which caused those goons to pursue me - if not to kill me in the end." Mike: "At first they kept their eye on you, yes. They didn't want to take the chance that what you were saying would eventually go mainstream. So far, it hasn't. Few will believe any of it, or even take it seriously, so to most it will amount to mere tabloidism; just a series of conspiracy theories." Stark: "But I take it seriously. I've been hoping this info would get out to the public, you know, for all to see." Mike: "I know. But look at it. How much of those tabloid rags do you believe?" Stark: "None of them. They're all full of shit." Mike: "That's how most people will view what you've written." Stark: "It's not fair." Mike: "It never is. But the important thing is, you and I are out of the picture now." Stark: "Well, that's good to hear, I'm relieved. But what about you? Any new missions?" Mike: "Since this case is closed now, I'm being reassigned. Something top-secret. I'll have to kill you if I told you about it." Mike chuckled. Stark: "Fine, I won't pry." Mike: "Take my advice. Forget about all this and breathe easy." Stark: "You're right. Besides, I'm gonna focus on other topics now for my articles, UFOs, paranormal crap, and such." Mike: "Good plan." We said our good-byes and hung up. So I can breathe easy now. I took a long deep breath, something I have't done in a long time, and then I said aloud, "Thank God!" Entry #0126: Back in Action 08-21-2009 Since that crazy cloak-and-dagger fiasco is over now, I've felt more relaxed than I have in a long time, not since this whole thing started last summer. I lived a whole year of being on edge, walking on eggshells -- no, on light bulbs with bear feet while lightning struck me from above and bullets zinged around me from all sides! Alright, maybe it wasn't that melodramatic, but it sure felt like it at times. I actually stepped outside this morning, not feeling like some sniper was gonna whack me. So I've gotten back to taking my long walks again, enjoying the desert for all its beauty, and going down to the Kountry Kitchen every day now and having lunch, and mingling more with people in town. Last night, Calvin Jones -- still feeling apologetic and all - took me to a popular steakhouse in Victorville, the Barbed Wire Grill, had big juicy sirloin steaks and baked potatoes, and some beer to wash it down. Plus yummy Key Lime pie for desert. So Calvin was officially back in my good graces after that. I told him the whole crapshoot I was in the middle of was over now. He was relieved to hear it. I tried to reach Monica again, only got her voice mail - again. I lost track of how many messages I left. Mostly saying things like "Call me right away!" and trying not to sound too panicky about it, as if she'd falling off the face of the Earth. Now that this insane debacle is done with, I'm finished with all those New World Order and secret government articles in Zones Unknown - and I'm sick and tired of researching this shit anyway! - which I've been linking to Chronicles of Area 57. So now I plan on turning to something less depressing. Most likely I'll work on articles more on the lines of Ufology or paranormal activity, anything truly eerie and strange, but we'll see. The main thing is, I don't have to hide any more! So, Starky, old boy -- you're back in action! Entry #0127: Tying up Loose Ends 08-24-2009 I finally reached Monica. She apologized and said her cell phone broke (it fell down a flight of stairs) and it took her a while to replace it, but since she was visiting her brother in San Diego, that put it off further. That sounded like one of those fabricated excuses people give you, but since I trusted her, I believed her. So I told her that this whole fiasco, as far as I was concerned, was over. I told her everything Mike told me. I asked if her feelings of trepidation for me were based on her psychic impressions or what. She apologized again, told me she had been afraid for me, paranoid like I was, and that blocked her psychic sense at the time. Now she said she could clearly tune in and feel that I was definitely in the clear, that I didn't have to worry about it anymore. She told me she wasn't 100% accurate with impressions or images she got, but that emotions or personal investments could easily block her, that her ability required a lot of work for her to stay clear. She told me she has by no means perfected her ability. She saw herself as a beginner at it. I suggested I come down to the city and visit her for a week or two. She said she'd love that. I told her I have to get out of the desert for a while anyway. Even if it means going to the claustrophobic city and breathe brown poisoned air. She told me she now lives in Redondo Beach in a decent little bungalow off the ocean, and the smog isn't so bad there. I feel this is the end of a chapter in my life at this point, and I'm ready to embark upon the next. Actually, what I've put together is a whole freaking book, with many chapters in it. It's all in this blog format for now, but someday it'll be a book you can hold in your hands. Someday . . . I can leave the dusty old desert and move about more freely now, or even go down below and rekindle a possible relationship with Monica. But I've gotten comfortable here in the high desert, not quite ready to move so soon. Anyway, I am ready for what comes next. I've got a feeling something's just around the corner . . . Entry #0128: Back in the Loony Bin 08-26-2009 I woke up this morning, and found myself back in that small white cell of the loony bin. Was this reality, or another nightmare? I noticed the door was ajar, not locked like usual. I got out of the cot and opened the door, looking out. The hall was not only empty, it was absolutely quiet. Not a soul in sight. I walked down the long passageway, noticing all the doors had been opened in the cells of this sterile nuthouse. I climbed down a flight of stairs, and entered another long hall, then walked into the lobby area, and the whole time I met not one person. No doctors or nurses in white coats, or orderlies in white slacks and shirts, no yellow pajama-wearing patients. No one was stopping me from escaping this asylum, and it was at that moment I realized that I actually was escaping, and nobody was stopping me. I entered through the glass double doors, walked down a flight of wide cement stairs, then along a wide flagstone walkway cutting a path through a vast lawn with countless trees. The path led to a parking lot, where there were no cars. I stopped and looked around. I didn't see one human being. To the left there was a dense forest, and to the right there was an open prairie. I ran for that, and it felt good to run, breathing deeply of the fresh air around me. I was finally free. I shot up out of bed, down in the sleeping quarters of Area 57. Thank God it was only a dream. But it gave me a clear message. The enemy is no longer a threat to me; "they" were not around to harass me anymore. I escaped the insanity of this whole situation; I am free from this whole demented escapade, free to go wherever I wish now. I have to get the hell out of this stink hole called Area 57! Perhaps this place was the real loony bin all this time. I smiled, because now it was time to pack a few bags, head down below, and visit Monica! Adios, amigos! Entry #0129: Era's End 08-31-2009 This is the end of an era, so like me, you've officially escaped the loony bin! All that paranoia, intrigue, danger, and hair-raising adventure is enough to make a guy go stark raving mad! But I hope you enjoyed the show! In the meantime, I hope you keep up with Strange Reports from Zones Unknown. Happy trails, folks! |
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