SECTION THIRTEENEntry #0098: Handing over Calvin's Recording 06-11-2009 I have a lot to digest after that talk with John from that nameless outfit whose agenda was to thwart what he called the New World Order groups, or just the Group. But I was glad to know I wasn't alone in fighting against the malignant evil-doers in this weird cold war of dark conspiracies and diabolical plots. Alright, this morning I drove down to the Sheriff's office, let him listen to my recording of Calvin I stealthily procured, where he confessed that those dark agents enlisted him, paid him money, and got him to trash my cabin to find info and material that wasn't there, fortunately. The Sheriff said this could definitely help, except his deputies found out those two men weren't at the L and M Motel for the last few days, so they don't know where they disappeared to. The clerk said he assumed they'd be back, but wasn't sure. In the meantime, the Sheriff said I could press charges against Calvin, since he committed the actual crime -- breaking and entering. I said to the Sheriff, "No, can't do that to a friend." The Sheriff replied, "Some friend. He broke into your home." I shrugged and replied, "He has financial problems, so he was easily bought." "Just don't trust him again." "I know. Mistrust and paranoia have been fueling me for several months now. I'm getting sick of it." "But my deputies are still keeping an eye out for those two strangers." "So am I." "I'm sure they'll show up sooner or later." So I let the Sheriff keep the incriminating tape - just in case they found those two goons. Although I am feeling hopeful lately, matters could change - for the worse. Things could get messy, and I have a gut feeling they will. Article: The Secret Government and the Bible Prophecy Conspiracy: Part Three Entry #0099: Corroborative Confirmation 06-13-2009 Just to show you I'm not being paranoid for no logical reason, I found some interesting passages in a book I'm reading, Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, a prolific conspiracy researcher. Alright, I ask you, who is the author talking about? See if you can figure it out: "These people will connect with each other through a variety of means -- international business and politics, conferences, and social gatherings, foundations, etc. -- and therefore constitute a cohesive group. This group has been called by many names: the New World Order, the Committee of 300, the Illuminati, the Secret Brotherhood, or often simply 'they.'" Figured it out? Yes! It's the Group! "They" are the ones who have been creeping around, harassing me, and keeping me on edge all this time! In case you're thinking I'm making it all up, it couldn't be further from the truth. These subsidiaries making up a global organization bent on a New World Order seem to be very real. This mysterious "they" have sent their agents out to make my life a living hell. Which is why I've isolated myself in this safe and secure bunker. In other pages of Jim Marrs's book, he discusses many connected secret societies and other agencies, such as the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Affairs, the Bilderberg group, Skull and Bones, and he even says there are connections in the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), the Internal Revenue Service, and many more! All covertly connected in one way or another, and under the control of the huge umbrella of what some call the Group, or "They." The more I research this crazy stuff, the more I'm convinced (if not brainwashed!) that a genuine conspiracy is unfolding by this Group, which is creating a New World Order. Alright, let's read further what Jim Marrs is saying: "As the goal of a New World Order moves closer to reality today, authors and researchers who are suspicious of the role of secret societies and their financial backers in government, business, and foundations feel they face a disheartening maze of obstructions in trying to bring the story to the public. Major publishers won't publish and news agencies won't accept or distribute stories and often ridicule such writers as 'alarmists' and 'conspiracy theorists.' Occasionally, there is even the threat of violence against investigators who dig too deep." Alright, this is exactly where I'm at, folks! As a researcher and journalist, I think I'm on that list. Did I dig too deep! Am I digging my own grave? If you recall, back in Sioux Falls, the black van was across the street from my house for some time as they watched me, and they bugged my phone. They caused a car accident that should have killed me. And now that I've snuck away and moved to the high desert, they've found me again and are currently snooping around, harassing me again -- and I often wonder if they plan to snuff me out. Now that the New World Order cold war has a small battle front right here in Mulvern (although it has many across the world) since I've been stirring the pot vigorously with my conspiracy articles, I almost expect "them" to confront me sooner than later and try to stop me - if not kill me, no questions asked. They could snuff me out at any time, but I suspect they're waiting . . . . for the right time, for orders from HQ, for the weather to change, whatever. We'll see. But now that I'm in the middle of this whole damned mess, I'm not hiding anymore. Time to take action! Article: The Secret Government and the Bible Prophecy Conspiracy: Part Four Entry #0100: A Further Conversation with John 06-15-2009 This morning John called and gave me some more info. As usual, I recorded our conversation: John: "It's time we talk again." Stark: "Glad to hear it. Since I've been sucked into this whole mess, I'm willing to help out however I can." John: "We appreciate that. In fact, on a provisional basis, you will be a probationary associate." Stark: "Great! So is their hazard pay?" John: "Only for full members." Stark: "Well, what can you tell me about your outfit, since you're short-term enlisting me? Just how secret is it?" John: "I can't tell you much. High priority secrecy of who we are and what we know ensures our concealment. But due to the current circumstances, we have no choice except to bring you in under our wing, even if temporarily. So I need to swear you to secrecy." Stark: "My lips are hermetically sealed." John: "Good enough. I feel I can trust you. Okay, our present agency is the predecessor of an organization that was originally formed right after the USA became an independent nation, initiated by our founding fathers, so it existed for the country's protection against conspiracies and corruption from within, which isn't an easy task. Although its name has changed over the years, its goals are the same. Its original name was the Royal Order of Knight Protectors, which continued until the beginning of the 20th Century, then, due to developing corruption and conspiracies, certain politicians and early New World Order formulators tried to destroy it. The balance of power shifted negatively for us around World War I when the advancing conspirators in government and the banking industry gained strength. As you may know, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Morgans began funding and influencing government, taking control since its great power was massive wealth. So this preliminary control tactic was just one of the first steps in the developing New World Order scenario. So our dwindling group went underground, seeming to disappear all together, but it remained in touch with certain trusted government officials, some of which were past presidents, in order to continue functioning, but in total secrecy. Currently we call our group the Phoenix Foundation, an exoteric name which conceals its real name. But we've been fighting against various covert operations and conspirators well over two-hundred years. And the New World Order groups are our main target now." Stark: "Many people think some of these dark groups are connected to the Bavarian Illuminati, even if remotely, but the last time we talked, you denied this." John: "There is one theory we considered, which is that this secret government is connected to the present incarnation of the old Illuminati Order in Bavaria, or that is, corrupt members who left the original group to form their own, to initiate their diabolical plots. But we have no concrete evidence for this yet - mainly because they maintain secrecy too, like any secret society will, which conceals their origins and development and plans. There may be no connection, and the whole Illuminati concept may just be a cover scheme. Although there have been conspiratorial groups plotting world takeovers throughout history, and many incarnations of these resurrected over and over again in various forms, these current world domination groups developed in the early 20th Century, which actually explains who's really behind the whole Third Reich and Nazism." Stark: "Makes sense." John: "Hitler was a major player in the whole New World Order plan, but then he failed." Stark: "But I've read that various secret societies could be part of this massive conspiracy -- the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, and so on. Just conspiracy hype I figure. I know the Freemasons in particular were accused of various crimes and corruptions for centuries. But I doubt any validity to this." John: "Yes. All false accusations perpetrated by the Catholic Church and various monarchs, or early conspiracy propagators, or anyone that felt like speaking against them. Fools try to link these spiritual societies to sinister motives." Stark: "I've done research on these lines, and I'm currently working on a series of articles discussing a secret government and the New World Order, which I've been submitting in my blog." John: "We're well aware of this, and we've been monitoring your blogs and online writings in general. In spite of the in-depth information you've been posting, you've barely skimmed the surface, I'm afraid. You see, the Foundation holds secrets regarding high level knowledge that few know about." Stark: "Let me guess - like who's really behind the two Kennedy assassinations, right?" John: "Sorry, I can't even respond to that. That's high-classification data. But right now, you have to focus on the Group and their New World Order plans." Stark: "No problem." John: "You're pissing them off with what you've written so far, so keep it up." Stark: "I can get pretty pissy too." John: "I hope that what you are doing is distracting them, since they're focusing on trying to stop you because of your accusatory articles that seem to be exposing them. We have been looking for such a diversion so that we can subtly and gradually infiltrate the Armageddon Initiative, as well as some of the other groups, hopefully to expose them all and shut them down. We can't allow them to succeed at initiating their New World Order. So keep writing your abrasive articles by all means." Stark: "Absolutely!" John: "But you're not alone, there are several other journalists doing the same as you." Stark: "So I'm in good company. I had a feeling I had some comrade-in-arms." John: "One last thing. Someone in your vicinity is one of our agents." Stark: "Great. I hope to meet him -- or her." John: "You've already met him." Stark: "Who?" John: "Sorry. I have to go." Well, that intriguing conversation answered a few questions, but brings up new ones too. Like who belongs to the Group? What other secret societies or subsidiaries are a part of it? And how far back in time can they be traced? Are they truly behind Hitler and the Third Reich, or even the Kennedy assassinations? Or other countless assassinations across the world? Since John's mysterious outfit held numerous high level classified secrets, I may never know for sure. NOTE: I had to change the name of John's group, so Phoenix Foundation is only a cover name. He swore me to secrecy. Even if it was just their exoteric label. Double-duty secrecy here! Article: The Secret Government and the Bible Prophecy Conspiracy: Part Five Entry #0101: Waiting Them Out 06-17-2009 I decided it's time to stop hiding from these dark agents, time to confront them. So yesterday I began my vigil. I left the dark recesses of Area 57, jumped into the Blazer and took off down the bumpy dirt road, heading toward Mulvern. My shotgun was still under my seat wear I left it, loaded naturally, just in case I ever needed it. Those two goons had to be somewhere, but if they took off on some excursion for a few days, they'd be back at the L and M Motel sooner or later. I'd be waiting for them. My plan was to get right out in the open where they would see me. I'm tired of hiding. But first I have to find them. I stopped at Zircon Rd, still a few miles above Mulvern. I stepped out, looking down the slope, toward Mulvern, a small town that sprawled only a couple miles from east to west. I pulled out my binoculars, and scanned the town below. Hours went by and I saw no signs of anything suspicion. Not even at the L and M Motel. I didn't see the black van down there. So where the hell were they? Where had they gone? In this desolate desert of few and far between towns where could they go off to? And Why? And when would they be back? Or would they be back? I told myself I was patient, that I'd wait it out. But impatience grew in my aching back and legs as I stood, or sometimes hunched down in the bushes. Or paced back and forth sometimes. But if I went back to the cabin and waited, not watching for them, I'd most likely miss them when they returned to town, so I had to keep my eyes open, I had to keep watch. As I waited I considered what John said, that one of his Foundation agents is here somewhere, someone I met already. But who? The Sheriff? One of his deputies? Bob Richardson the market owner? Someone else here in town? I shrugged it off for now. I considered Calvin, but the goons paid him to trash my cabin. I even thought of Monica, but she left the desert already. So it wasn't her. I should call her soon. Dusk came. I fell asleep in the seat of the Blazer. I woke up way past midnight. I felt foolish to be waiting like this. But come morning, by the light of day, I was on watch again. If they were out of town, I wanted to watch till they got back. I was anxious to confront them now. Article: The Secret Government and the Bible Prophecy Conspiracy: Part Six Entry #0102: Facing the Mysterious Dark Strangers 06-20-2009 The sun was just rising, a beautiful display of a rose and golden streaked horizon. This always lifts my spirits, since the sunrises in the high desert are simply gorgeous! Alright, my vigil continues today. After eating a bag of pretzels and washing this down with lukewarm coffee from my thermos, the worst of breakfasts, I stood in the bushes and watched with my binoculars again, scanning the whole town, from one side to the other, over and over again. I especially kept my eye on the L and M Motel, to see when those goons would arrive. Around noon it happened. I saw a dark vehicle driving southbound up Barstow Rd, then it turned onto Highway 18 which becomes Mulvern Ave in town, entering from the east side. It was the black van! Where they had been, I wasn't sure; any of the towns up north, or even Barstow which lie thirty some miles away. That didn't matter - they were back now. They trundled down Mulvern Ave, most likely returning to the L and M Motel on the west side of town. But I would cut them off first. I jumped back in the Blazer and roared down Mesa Rd, and I knocked over the stop sign as I turned right on Foothill. I turned again and tore down Highland Rd, and leaped onto Mulvern Ave., just ahead of them. I screeched crosswise and blocked the whole road, so the black van had to stop. I jumped out, holding my loaded shotgun, aiming it at the tinted window on the driver's side. "Roll it down!" I demanded. At first, nothing happened. Then I knocked on the glass with the gun barrel. The driver rolled it down. He looked like one of those clean shaven dark suited agents. I snarled, "I know you goons have been following me. So, here I am. So tell me, what do you want?" The guy chuckled and shrugged, "I've got no clue what you're talking about." His partner beside him shrugged too. "Who do you represent?" I demanded. "Nobody. We're just visiting." "You're lying! If your group has a problem with me or my articles, why didn't you just come up to me and discuss it in plain sight? Like civilized people, instead of skulking around in your cloak-and-dagger ways." The driver laughed, "Hey, you're sounding kinda nuts." "I'm on to you!" "You're crazy, mister." Suddenly the driver accelerated, and made a quick u-turn, and peeled out, going eastbound along Mulvern, back the way they came. I cussed, considered following them, then decided against it. It would be futile at this point. I wanted to ask them if they were part of the secret government, or the Armageddon Initiative, the Illuminati, the Men in Black, or whatever. But they acted clueless. Perhaps they weren't ready to act, or perhaps these agents were instructed to only monitor me, or confront me later. I didn't know what their objective was. They had there chance to meet me face to face, but they acted in denial. Said I was nuts, crazy. A sickening thought entered my mind. I could still be delusional, or schizophrenic, imagining all this. Anybody connected to this could be products of my demented imagination: Frank, John, Monica, these dark strangers, Nightlight, so on and so forth. And what about Mike Smith, who hasn't shown his true colors yet? Or am I even imagining that people like Calvin or the Sheriff are involved? And did I imagine the heroine bricks in back of my Blazer, the black van, the tracking device, the break-in, or anything connected to this elaborate scenario? Some days I feel certain people have been after me, that this whole crazy fiasco is real, that I have been discovering a huge plot. But other days, the doubt seeped in, and I wonder if I'm losing my mind. I got back in the Blazer and returned to the cabin, feeling confused. Article: A Brief History of Conspiracy Theories: Part One Entry #0103: Back in the Small White Cell 06-23-2009 I woke up, but found myself in that small white cell! It was that wretched loony bin again! And it seemed so real! So I was going crazy! So all this was some wild delusion. My wild imagination finally submerged completely into the deranged realms of schizophrenia, where I couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy - otherwise known as the Outer Limits. Ah. My old laptop was even at my side on the bedside table. So they allowed me to log down my unfolding sequence of delusions as I experienced them - in my mind, a mind gone mad. A big-boned dike of a nurse entered the room wearing a crisp white uniform. She could double for a female drill sergeant and out-bark the best of them, I imagined. "How are we this morning, Mr. Stark? Are we feeling chipper?" the deadpan nurse asked in an almost monotone voice. "There is no we," I growled. "There's only me and my delusions." "Are you sure about that? What if they are real?" She smirked weirdly. Was she playing some idiotic mind game, trying to confuse me? Was she testing my sanity -rather, my insanity? Then she asked, "Tell me about those crazy theories and wild conspiracies again, Mr. Stark. What you've logged down in your laptop is most intriguing." I snatched up my closed laptop. "This is private property! My personal stuff! Hands off!" She chuckled, "Sorry, Mr. Stark, but nothing is private or personal here. We gave you this laptop so you can write down your diary of events as they unfold. You know that." "Yeah, I guess I do." I gave in - stupidly. "So, tell me, Mr. Stark, has the world been dominated by evil-doers yet? Is the secret government setting their sinister plans in motion yet? Is the diabolical New World Order already upon us? Is the Antichrist in charge yet? Is Armageddon near? I'm anxious to learn what's going to happen next!" Her eyes grew wide and wild, and her lips formed a weird maniacal grin from ear to ear. I shot, "What?!?!? You're the crazy one here! I never told you anything about all that!" "Yes you did, Mr. Stark. In your silly little blog articles. You're trying to put fear in the hearts of billions of innocent people! You're trying to stir up serious trouble in the world! Maybe you're the one causing the New World Order! It's you all along, Mr. Stark! You're the Antichrist!" She laughed insanely as her eyes glowed red. I wanted to swing the laptop and hit her on the head as she laughed at me maniacally. Then I woke up…again. I was bathed in cold sweat. I hated it when that happened. So it was just one of those insane dreams -- I assumed. But my subconscious was playing head games with me apparently. And why would it do that? Was it trying to tell me something? Was it telling me I was crazy after all? Article: A Brief History of Conspiracy Theories: Part Two Entry #0104: The Ambiguity Device 06-25-2009 Time for a diversion, folks. What is the ambiguity device? It's not some vague mechanical device or gizmo - although I might invent such a gadget someday. But this is a fancy literary technique that is vaguely ambiguous -- at least to readers, or it better be if used properly. Actually, it's a tool certain authors have used in most cases when they are acting as their own characters in an account, supposedly a nonfiction, real-life account, where the author doesn't directly tell you in blatant terms whether it is specifically fictional or autobiographical in nature, or elements of both. So he leaves the reader guessing. For instance: Richard Bach's Illusions, where the author meets a reluctant messiah who performs various miracles; Carlos Castaneda's strange shamanic books, such as The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, and his other related books on Yaqui shamanism; or Chuck Barris's The Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, about the game show host who claims he was secretly a CIA assassin -- to name a few examples for the use of this clever device. I suspect others may fall in this area, like Whitley Strieber's Communion, about his alleged alien encounters. He might have made it all up -- although I could be wrong and perhaps he actually did have dealings with aliens. See? The reader isn't clear whether such accounts are true or not. He must decide for himself. These kind of ambiguous accounts leave you hanging at the edge of your seat in suspense, wondering what's true and what's not. In such curious books, these clever authors are telling stories about themselves, somewhat autobiographical, and whether or not these are true accounts is uncertain, because the author simply will not tell you. Is that rude, or what? Such a writing technique adds a special element of suspense and mystery and intrigue to the given account, which makes you try to figure out for yourself what is true or not. Because if the author blatantly told you that if this account was 100% real, or 100% fictional, or 50-50, or even 60-40, a little of both basically, that would take the fun out of the whole thing, and there would be no guessing anymore, no mystery, no suspense, and no intrigue. So the author leaves it up to you whether or not he's for-real, or just duping you. Quite often an author will mix facts and fiction together, and you don't know which things or facts and which are fiction. This is actually the best way to use this ambiguity device. The blend of both really keeps you guessing, but I admit it's a pretty sly and deceiving way to go - but it works! Like Robert Leroy Ripley would say, "Believe it or not!" Now you may ask me, "Why bring this up? Are you using this idiotic device in this particular account?" Well, to be honest with you -- I'll never tell! Why spoil all the fun? I'll just keep you guessing! Keep you hanging at the edge of your seat! Article: The Theoretical Conspiracy about Conspiracy Theorists Entry #0105: The Hidden Agent Revealed 06-27-2009 It's almost midnight as I sit at my computer, reviewing the day's events, and typing them down in my Area 57 blog. Matters began to change and many things were revealed today. It was a nice warm day outside, too sunny for me though, so I put on a ball cap and sunglasses. I was just stepping out to take off in my Blazer, when Mike Smith in his rust-bucket truck pulled into my driveway. He smiled at me, "John told me he contacted you." So Mike is the hidden agent! I suspected as much, with some doubt though at first. "Yep," I replied. "It's time for us to connect and set matters in motion." I was hoping this wasn't just another schizophrenic delusion. Mike seemed real, so I decided to shut my paranoid mind up and assume all this was indeed real. Taking a grave risk, I felt at first, I brought him down to Area 57, and got a fresh pot of coffee going. The A/C was on, cooling us down, since it was hot outside. I gave him the grand tour of this crazy hideout of a bunker, which only took a couple minutes. Sipping our coffee, we sat and talked in my station of operations, since I had a convenient folding chair he could use, while I sat in my old swivel chair. I showed him my collection of research books and magazines and DVDS and videos and whatnot. I played him one of my DVDs from when I taped a few people who had claimed to witness UFOs, most of them just crackpots, but they were essentially amusing if not actually useful. He was mildly impressed with the whole set up, but he asked if I felt claustrophobic down here. I told him I was used to it, and I did get outside now and then. He said he'd go nuts if he had to hole up in underground confining quarters like this. I told him Calvin Jones thought I was nuts. And so did I sometimes. I told him I often suspected I was delusional and schizophrenic, which he laughed at, and that made me laughed too, since it did sound silly - or insane. So he said, "I know I'm not one of your delusions -- even if you are nuts!" We laughed again, and after more idle chitchat, we got down to business. I recorded our conversation, so here it is: Mike explained, "The Foundation has agents in numerous locations all over the US, and it corroborates with similar sister agencies in several other nations around the world in a common goal to prevent the Group's agenda. We also have agents in the Postal industry to monitor questionable mail, like from certain intelligence branches, other areas of the government, the military, police departments in certain cities, various big businesses, even in the political arena. We're looking for moles essentially. We know that the various secret government groups have infiltrated in these areas. They also have a lock on all the mega-banks - not to mention the whole banking industry. For instance, the Federal Reserve is one of our big targets, although it's difficult to penetrate, since it's literally a very cult-like financial secret society." "I've read about this! Real strange!" "The banks across the globe and their uber-wealthy owners have the ability to control all nations. Money is power, you know." I told him, "All this I've been researching and posting on my Zones Unknown blog, as you know, I'm sure." He grinned, "I'm no writer, but as an avid reader, I find your articled mildly entertaining." "'Mildly entertaining'?" I fumed, mildly. "Well, the Foundation has access to information that makes your stuff only the tip of the iceberg." "I see. Well, I figure there's always more dirt to dig up somewhere." Mike said very gravely, "If I told you everything I know, and you wrote articles based on this, I assure you, within a few days, somebody would kill you." "Yikes!" I yelped. And I was thinking I revealed some pretty juicy stuff in my articles - but evidently not juicy enough to be worthy of being immediately snuffed out. I felt a little disappointed. "Now, listen. We have to come up with a plan of action, somehow disposing of these two covert agents that have been watching you. Actually, the Group has so many operations and missions in preparing for a step-by-step world take-over, your shenanigans are barely above the radar -- you and several other conspiracy writers. But it's enough to get attention." "So I'm not actually that big a deal?" "Yes and no. If you become a serious threat, they'll seriously try to silence you." "Well, I'm still shouting my spiel online, so they haven't shut me up yet." "Only recently you've put up a big stink with your current articles, but this has to be done to dredge them out into the open, so you and I can confront them." I growled, "I tried to confront them! Stopped them on the road and pointed a shotgun at them! They acted ignorant, like I was a loony case." "They had to play dumb," Mike assured me. "They can't openly reveal themselves until the time is right. But we're going to act first before they do. Because when they get their orders, the way they'll confront you is . . . not good." "What? They'll kidnap me and interrogate me? Demand I shut up?" "They might do that at first, if their orders require this. But, normally, in this kind of situation, when they need to silent someone, they execute him." I gulped. "Oh." "But in some cases they shoot first and never ask questions." "Yikes!" Of course I suspect as much, but I try not to think about it. My paranoid side fears they'll try to snuff me out, but I hope and pray this is not really the case. Mike said, "We can't let them get to either of us first. So we have to beat them to it." "Like What? You have orders to kill them?" "No. Our usual plan is to stick something illegal on them so the authorities will arrest them." "They tried that with me." "Only to scare you. But if that stuck, you'd be out of the way, in prison, not able to write anymore revealing articles. Execution is usually a last resort." "Since I foiled their plan, what do you think they'll try next?" "I can only guess. They have to sit tight until they get their orders. And if it's to kill you, we need to be extremely alert." I sipped my cooling down coffee, then placed it on the desk, losing interest after he said the phrase "to kill you." I sighed heavily, then said, "I keep thinking, if I stay down here in this bunker, I'll be safe." Mike shook his head. "I think you have a big blind spot. I get the feeling you confuse the way you write fiction with factual accounts. You reveal too much in your blog, not realizing what you're saying to readers." "A blind spot? What is it?" "Your little bunker, Area 57 as you affectionately call it, is no secret to your blog readers. If the enemy wants to find you, believe me, they will." "Shit!" I put my head in my hands. Yeah, a really big blind spot! "Man, am I being stupid or what? Why didn't that occur to me?!" Mike chuckled, "You weren't thinking, had a lot on your mind. Or too busy being paranoid about everything else, you overlooked the obvious." I shook my head and sighed heavily in despair. But then I got to thinking, the metal door at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the bunker was usually locked with three heavy duty deadbolts from the inside when I'm inside, and three padlocks on the outside when I'm not down there, so that would prevent someone from breaking in - I hoped. Unless they blasted it open with C4. I sighed again. Mike reassured me, "It doesn't matter now, we're going to take action." "So, what's your plan, Mike?" Article: Big Brother and the Secret Cold War: Part One; We Are Being Watched! |
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