SECTION ELEVEN05-03-2009 It's been a few days since Frank e-mailed me, so I was concerned. But finally this morning Frank e-mailed me. He said he had trouble, being pursued again. Also he had to move out of his last apartment, because someone had broken in when he was gone, and they trashed it completely, perhaps to scare him, or possibly hoping he'd be there so they could apprehend him. He is now living out of his truck and driving around the country, because he can't stay in one place now that it is clear they were seriously after him. He said he would keep in communicated with me via his laptop, keep me apprised, using wireless locations and such. So I patiently awaited each and every message from him. He hasn't said anything about the Group or other juicy info, I suppose because he fears for his life now. Since "they" know he has spilled the beans, they were determined to catch him. I wondered what they would do if they did. Entry #0083: Where's Frank? 05-05-2009 Alright, no word from Frank again. I shouldn't worry so soon, but he's been pretty good at keeping me informed daily. But I've got a gut feeling something's wrong. Maybe he's busy hiding or keeping ahead of his enemies - or perhaps they got him. Did they finally apprehend him, or kill him, or what? Are they interrogating him, finding out who he's been talking to, and what he said? Or did they already know he's been talking to me? In spite of him using a false name, is my blog a dead give-away? So am I the one that screwed up here, giving him away? I had too many questions, but no answers. I worry about him. I wish I could help him -- but I feet helpless. But I also felt angry -- at "them." I wanted to do something about it. But what? Entry #0084: The Freaky Interrogation Dream 05-07-2009 I had another loony bin dream - if it was a dream. I was sitting on the cot in the tiny white cell, when some ominous looking tall man in a white lab jacket barged in, gripping an electric drill - some kind of mad doctor I figured. Without being plugged in anywhere, it whirred loudly as he aimed it at my skull, as he grinned madly. I realized I was strapped down in the bed, flat on my back as the crazy doctor began interrogating me, threatening me with that whirring drill bit from time to time. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" the wide-eyed doctor of madness shouted. "Nobody," I replied. "That's right. Stay that way!" "Can I go home now?" I grinned. "Shut up! Now tell me, Mr. Stark. Who are your sources?" the mad doctor growled. "Sources? For what?" I shrugged, acting clueless. "Stop fucking around with me! Who's Nightlight?" "Nightlight? That's a little light you put on at night because it's dark in the house." I grinned facetiously. "If you don't stop fucking around, I'll stick this drill in your brain!" he threatened, making the drill whir loudly. "Go ahead. All I got is empty space up there anyway." "Who's Frank? What's his real name?" "I'll be real frank with you, bub. I don't know." "Liar! Tell me exactly what he's been telling you?" the mad doctor barked. "If I tell you, how do you know I'm not gonna just make up some shit?" I grinned slyly. "You're right. You're making up all this shit, aren't you?" "Probably. But you'll never know how much of it is shit and how much of it is real." "So tell me all this is just delusional shit you're telling people. Tell me none of it is real." His attempt at convincing me was not very convincing. "But what if it is all real? What if you're the one who's delusional, and I'm not?" I attempted to convince him into being confused. "Why do you think you're in the Nut House, Mr. Stark?" The insufferable doctor shot back, not being convinced. "Because I lost all my nuts," I chuckled. "Right. And I'm gonna help you lose more!" Laughing maniacally, the crazy doctor jabbed the whirring drill into my brain -- And I woke up suddenly, drenched in cold sweat. What the hell was all that about? So was I really losing my mind after all? I started wondering again. Entry #0085: No Sign of Frank 05-10-2009 At first I thought that dream was either a fragmental glimpse from some alternate reality leaking through, or I was experiencing some schizophrenic delusion - which means I'm just going stark raving nuts. Whatever it was, it was a twisted nightmare. After I drank several cups of strong Columbian coffee, I felt better. A few days later, with a clear head, I'm refocused now. Alright, back to reality - or so I hope. I'm getting really worried. It's been several days since Frank's last e-mail. I fear that Frank has disappeared. No word from him at all. My gut says he's been captured by "them," or even killed. If this is the case, someone has to continue the whistleblowing, be the bean-spiller. As much as I've spoken up in the past, which caused unknown agents to start pursuing me, or plan to catch me and possibly kill me, I have to do something. I can't be afraid and hide out forever. I have to lash out somehow. And I'm starting to get pissed off about all this. Especially when I think that "they" may have caught Frank and snuffed him out. I have some government conspiracy articles I've been hanging on to. I'm gonna start releasing them in Zones Unknown now. Start the ball rolling. This may get me in hot water, but I gotta do something. Article: Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups of Corruption: Part I Entry #0086: Waiting and Searching 05-12-2009 What am I waiting for? The sky to fall? While I continue to remain down in Area 57, safe and sound (I hope), while beginning my onslaught of conspiracy articles, sending them abroad for all to read, to rile "them" up, I know I can't stay down here forever. I get too comfortable in this secluded bomb-shelter, which so far nobody has discovered or penetrated. I was doing fine before, able to drive about the Valley, go down to Mulvern for groceries, eat out at the Kountry Kitchen, visit the other shops and stores, or take my long desert walks. I've been eating from my large stockpile -but I'm sick of canned pork-and-beans and tuna and canned spinach, and so forth. I'm going nuts down here - except sometimes I feel I've already arrived. I keep debating whether or not I should confront those two dark-suited agents once and for all. I know they're waiting for me to come out of hiding, ready to grab me, I'm sure. Plus I'm searching for anything I've written, some eyebrow-raising, conspiratorial article somewhere in the past, regarding what Frank was revealing me. I've been trying the intuitive probing technique Monica suggested. So far I've found nothing, but I'm still looking. I've reviewed several of my old conspiracy theory articles, like UFO cover-ups, or Men in Black, or Area 51, and so forth. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places. Alright, what did Frank say? Something called the Group, and another item, he called the Armageddon Plan, which sounded familiar. I had to dig deeper into my files now. Dig deeper into danger . . . Article: Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups of Corruption: Part II Entry #0087: Eureka! I Found It! 05-14-2009 Alright, I've been connecting some really big dots now! Trying to figure out not just whose nerve I struck, but which article I wrote that struck that nerve. Frank, my mysterious contact, now disappeared, was inspiring me and helping me to remember something I had researched and written about many years ago, something I had forgotten about. But I've been digging through my files to find it. Earlier today, I dug through all my documents and research notes stored on my computer, spending hours searching with countless cups of lukewarm coffee, and - Eureka! I finally found something that had to be it! It just "felt" right. This had to be the article that first ruffled the feathers of my unknown pursuers. Plus this is exactly what Frank was talking about. So Monica's technique worked after all - but it took me a while. Alright. About five or more years ago I had written an article for a certain popular magazine (can't reveal its name), and this was years before I created the Zones Unknown column, so I had long since forgotten about it, so you wont see it in there. I had done some research on my own about a particular conspiracy theory, but I did get a lot of juicy information about it from my old anonymous contact Nightlight. Although sometimes I question the validity of his info, I must say that often it truly sounds authentic, especially when I could compare it to information I found in books or online or other sources. And sometimes I could find nothing to corroborate with it, which could either mean he had acquired classified intelligence from some undisclosed source, or that it was flat-out phony. But in the particular article I discussed certain secret societies and an invisible secret government, and other secret organizations of different nations joining together. I listed several clandestine groups that most likely functioned together under one umbrella. Nightlight had specifically told me about something called the Armageddon Initiative, also mentioned in the article. That was it! That's what sounded familiar when Frank mentioned this Armageddon Plan that his own group was trying to instigate. He couldn't name it, but it seems obvious that it was the Armageddon Initiative. It had to be! This sinister group was endeavoring to force the biblical prophetic Armageddon, duping people to think the prophecy was being fulfilled, but using it for their own deceitful and selfish purposes to gain world control and world domination, alongside its brother and sister organizations. Although the group-members didn't necessarily believe in such prophecies themselves, possibly being atheists or agnostics, they used this to control the people. So through manipulating people and causing wars and mistrust between nations, planting lies and propaganda, they would inflict chaos across the world. And supposedly past wars were caused and controlled by this secret government too. There was even a crazy rumor of weather machines causing bizarre weather patterns. All this to duplicate biblical prophecy in order to control the people. National leaders and their governments were merely puppets to these master manipulators. The Armageddon group planned to even create their own Antichrist, and Christian churches would point their fingers at this one in accusation, causing further calamity and confusion amidst the people. Much of the ideas in this article were based on questionable facts, and a lot of speculation, but if any portion of it was true, then that could have definitely struck a nerve in such instigators. So if this article was not the one that started the dirty snowball rolling, then I was barking up the wrong damned tree. But over the years I had written several articles for several different e-zines and magazines or blogs, in which I had briefly implied the existence of a secret government that could be behind this scheme here or that plot their, and so forth. So you could see a string of pearls throughout several of my articles, but they were poisonous black pearls, leading to my own current dilemma. Article: Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups of Corruption: Part III Entry #0088: The Conspiracy Article 05-16-2009 Alright, folks, here's the old article I wrote way back when, the one that I suspect ruffled some really bad feathers:
The Armageddon Conspiracy By R. R. Stark (May, 2003) What do secret societies and an invisible secret government have in common? A lot, claims typical conspiracy theorists. They will tell you that the Freemasons, also labeled as the Illuminati, are behind various clandestine factions or government departments that are leading us into a New World Order. The following groups are considered to be under one massive umbrella: Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the Federal Reserve, Skull & Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Masonic Order, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Armageddon Initiative, to name a few. In other parts of the world such groups as the British Royal Society, the KGB, Al-Qaeda, the major banking industries of these nations, and others are also part of this larger worldwide umbrella, this massive globalist conglomerate, because as they all grouped together, they could more easily instigate world domination. My confidential sources state that the Armageddon Initiative in particular is attempting to initiate a diabolical plan to force certain aspects of End Times Bible prophecy, deceiving people to gullibly believe that biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. In this sinister scheme they will attempt to gain world control and eventual domination of the whole globe. But this particular secret society is only one cog in the whole wheel of this massive globalist umbrella of many powerful groups that I spoke of earlier; it is this Initiative's particular job to initiate this clever scheme. The members of these groups are obviously disbelievers in such prophecies, so they feel they can freely use these to their insidious advantage in order to control the masses across the world. They intend to manipulate the people by causing wars and fear and mistrust and hatred between the various nations, and there is evidence of this throughout the 20th century. Even through the intelligence agencies of these nations they plant wicked seeds of propaganda in order to cause this mistrust and hatred which lead to wars. History has demonstrated this through the French Revolution, the Cold War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the new Iraq War, and other wars and skirmishes in the past, all of which were allegedly instigated by this globalist conglomerate, this secret government that pulls all the strings behind the scenes. Even more sinister in my opinion, these evil individuals practice mind control technology, through drugs, psycho-hypnosis, brainwashing, electroshock therapy, etc. They can turn their victims into virtual zombies that obey their masters, doing their bidding or even committing assassinations -- the Manchurian Candidate scenario! Sources say that certain factions of US government, especially the CIA, have been orchestrating this mental manipulation process for several decades now, in absolute secrecy of course. I have heard some conspiracy theory reports declaring some sinister factions through a secret government have created weather controlling machines which can cause severe weather anomalies and changes in climate patterns that become highly irregular. The Katrina incident and other severe hurricanes that have devastated southeastern coastal states are just examples. But so far there's no proof to such claims. There is another peculiar plan called the "annihilation of nations" that this Initiative will attempt to bring into manifestation, whether it be through thermonuclear war or biochemical warfare, or mass-slaughtering of people, as in the Holocaust instigated by the Nazis upon the Jews, or some other means. But sources say that a large percentage of the world's population would be destroyed! That's what I call a real Armageddon! Could they be talking about World War III, manipulated by the secret government? This definitely sounds like part of the Armageddon conspiracy I've been researching. Adjacent to this is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death, and this particular arm of the secret government could very well use these four elements to cause the annihilation of many nations if not all. National leaders and their governments are merely puppets under the control of these invisible master manipulators, who comprise some kind of invisible secret government, who are wealthy globalists bent on world domination. It is also reported that the Armageddon Initiative will implement the Mark of the Beast, through some kind of implanted microchip on the body, for purposes of identifying and keeping track of everyone. This sinister group also plans to create their own Antichrist, a charismatic figurehead to pave the way for a New World Order. Or would this one become the real Antichrist in the end? By duplicating various events of Bible prophecy this ominous group intends to manipulate the people across the world. Mind you, this information does reek of rampant conspiracy theories -- but what if it was all true? We had all better keep our eyes and ears open and watch out! Article: Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups of Corruption: Part IV Entry #0089: Preparing the Ammunition 05-19-2009 Alright, folks, I realize that old article about the Armageddon Conspiracy is going to start ruffling somebody's feathers again - namely my unknown pursuers, those dark strangers that represent everything evil in the world. Leo once joked to me that if I wanted to stir up the hornets' nest, to make "them" show their faces, I should write a shockingly crazy conspiracy article to grab their attention. At that time, I feared for my life. Now I don't care, I'm just really pissed! So now I'm gonna spill the beans. It's time to force "them" out into the open, lure "them" out where I can see them clearly. Give "them" a chance to actually catch me. Not that I'll actually let 'em do it. I'm hoping that resurrecting that old article will cause some serious trouble now, plus the current articles in Zones Unknown concerning government corruption. I'm tired of hiding, and wanna find out what happens next! If I can ruffle a lot more feathers, I'm currently writing a new multipart article in Zones Unknown about the "Secret Government," hopefully more elaborate than this current series of articles. This info I'm gonna reveal should make certain parties pee their pants. Especially to see if that's what caused "them" to pursue me in the first place. So in a few days I'll be cranking these out in Zones Unknown. Let's see what happens and let the bloody chips fall where they may! Article: Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups of Corruption: Part V |
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